Displaying 81 – 100 of 219

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Immanant Conversion on Symmetric Matrices

M. Purificação Coelho, M. Antónia Duffner, Alexander E. Guterman (2014)

Special Matrices

Letr Σn(C) denote the space of all n χ n symmetric matrices over the complex field C. The main objective of this paper is to prove that the maps Φ : Σn(C) -> Σn (C) satisfying for any fixed irre- ducible characters X, X' -SC the condition dx(A +aB) = dχ·(Φ(Α ) + αΦ(Β)) for all matrices A,В ε Σ„(С) and all scalars a ε C are automatically linear and bijective. As a corollary of the above result we characterize all such maps Φ acting on ΣИ(С).

Inertias and ranks of some Hermitian matrix functions with applications

Xiang Zhang, Qing-Wen Wang, Xin Liu (2012)

Open Mathematics

Let S be a given set consisting of some Hermitian matrices with the same size. We say that a matrix A ∈ S is maximal if A − W is positive semidefinite for every matrix W ∈ S. In this paper, we consider the maximal and minimal inertias and ranks of the Hermitian matrix function f(X,Y) = P − QXQ* − TYT*, where * means the conjugate and transpose of a matrix, P = P*, Q, T are known matrices and for X and Y Hermitian solutions to the consistent matrix equations AX =B and YC = D respectively. As applications,...

Inverting covariance matrices

Czesław Stępniak (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Some useful tools in modelling linear experiments with general multi-way classification of the random effects and some convenient forms of the covariance matrix and its inverse are presented. Moreover, the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula is applied for inverting the covariance matrix in such experiments.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 219