Rings in which ideals are annihilators
In this note we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for a ring to be -weakly regular (i) When is a ring with identity and without divisors of zero (ii) When is a ring without divisors of zero. Further it is proved in a -weakly regular ring with identity and without units every element is a zero divisor.
A ring is said to be strongly right bounded if every nonzero right ideal contains a nonzero ideal. In this paper strongly right bounded rings are characterized, conditions are determined which ensure that the split-null (or trivial) extension of a ring is strongly right bounded, and we characterize strongly right bounded right quasi-continuous split-null extensions of a left faithful ideal over a semiprime ring. This last result partially generalizes a result of C. Faith concerning split-null extensions...
The purpose of this paper is to provide a criterion of an occurrence of uncountably generated uniserial modules over chain rings. As we show it suffices to investigate two extreme cases, nearly simple chain rings, i.e. chain rings containing only three two-sided ideals, and chain rings with “many” two-sided ideals. We prove that there exists an -generated uniserial module over every non-artinian nearly simple chain ring and over chain rings containing an uncountable strictly increasing (resp. decreasing)...