Incidence algebras and algebraic fundamental group.
The incidence coalgebras of interval finite posets I and their comodules are studied by means of the reduced Euler integral quadratic form , where K is an algebraically closed field. It is shown that for any such coalgebra the tameness of the category of finite-dimensional left -modules is equivalent to the tameness of the category of finitely copresented left -modules. Hence, the tame-wild dichotomy for the coalgebras is deduced. Moreover, we prove that for an interval finite ̃ *ₘ-free...
Almost completely decomposable groups with a critical typeset of type and a -primary regulator quotient are studied. It is shown that there are, depending on the exponent of the regulator quotient , either no indecomposables if ; only six near isomorphism types of indecomposables if ; and indecomposables of arbitrary large rank if .
We describe the structure of all indecomposable modules in standard coils of the Auslander-Reiten quivers of finite-dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field. We prove that the supports of such modules are obtained from algebras with sincere standard stable tubes by adding braids of two linear quivers. As an application we obtain a complete classification of non-directing indecomposable modules over all strongly simply connected algebras of polynomial growth.
We discuss the problem of classification of indecomposable representations for extended Dynkin quivers of type 𝔼̃₈, with a fixed orientation. We describe a method for an explicit determination of all indecomposable preprojective and preinjective representations for those quivers over an arbitrary field and for all indecomposable representations in case the field is algebraically closed. This method uses tilting theory and results about indecomposable modules for a canonical algebra of type (5,3,2)...
In this paper we study the precise relation between two representations of a given split finite basic dimensional algebra A as a factor of the free path algebra over its quiver (A). After defining the notion of strongly acyclic quiver, we apply the results obtained to develop a method of calculating the group Aut(A)/Inn(A) in the case when (A) is strongly acyclic.
Let Λ be a finite-dimensional, basic and connected algebra over an algebraically closed field, and mod Λ be the category of finitely generated right Λ-modules. We say that Λ has acceptable projectives if the indecomposable projective Λ-modules lie either in a preprojective component without injective modules or in a standard coil, and the standard coils containing projectives are ordered. We prove that for such an algebra Λ the following conditions are equivalent: (a) Λ is tame, (b) the Tits form...
We prove that a stably hereditary bound quiver algebra A = KQ/I is iterated tilted if and only if (Q,I) satisfies the clock condition, and that in this case it is of type~Q. Furthermore, A is tilted if and only if (Q,I) does not contain any double-zero.