Noncommutative compact manifolds constructed from quivers.
Given a group G of k-linear automorphisms of a locally bounded k-category R, the problem of existence and construction of non-orbicular indecomposable R/G-modules is studied. For a suitable finite sequence B of G-atoms with a common stabilizer H, a representation embedding , which yields large families of non-orbicular indecomposable R/G-modules, is constructed (Theorem 3.1). It is proved that if a G-atom B with infinite cyclic stabilizer admits a non-trivial left Kan extension B̃ with the same...
Let C n(A,B) be the relative Hochschild bar resolution groups of a subring B ⊆ A. The subring pair has right depth 2n if C n+1(A,B) is isomorphic to a direct summand of a multiple of C n(A,B) as A-B-bimodules; depth 2n + 1 if the same condition holds only as B-B-bimodules. It is then natural to ask what is defined if this same condition should hold as A-A-bimodules, the so-called H-depth 2n − 1 condition. In particular, the H-depth 1 condition coincides with A being an H-separable extension of B....
In continuation of our earlier work [2] we describe the indecomposable representations and the Auslander-Reiten quivers of a family of vector space categories playing an important role in the study of domestic finite dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field. The main results of the paper are applied in our paper [3] where we exhibit a wide class of almost sincere domestic simply connected algebras of arbitrary large finite global dimensions and describe their Auslander-Reiten quivers....
Given a pair M,M' of finite-dimensional modules over a domestic canonical algebra Λ, we give a fully verifiable criterion, in terms of a finite set of simple linear algebra invariants, deciding if M and M' lie in the same orbit in the module variety, or equivalently, if M and M' are isomorphic.
The aim of this note is to give a complete description of the positive additive functions for the stable nonperiodic translation quivers with finitely many orbits. In particular, we show that all positive additive functions on the stable translation quivers of Euclidean type (respectively, of wild type) are periodic, and hence bounded (respectively, are unbounded, and hence nonperiodic).
Let A be an artin algebra over a commutative artin ring R and ind A the category of indecomposable finitely generated right A-modules. Denote to be the full subcategory of ind A formed by the modules X whose all predecessors in ind A have projective dimension at most one, and by the full subcategory of ind A formed by the modules X whose all successors in ind A have injective dimension at most one. Recently, two classes of artin algebras A with co-finite in ind A, quasi-tilted algebras and...
An artin algebra A over a commutative artin ring R is called quasitilted if gl.dim A ≤ 2 and for each indecomposable finitely generated A-module M we have pd M ≤ 1 or id M ≤ 1. In [11] several characterizations of quasitilted algebras were proven. We investigate the structure and homological properties of connected components in the Auslander-Reiten quiver of a quasitilted algebra A.
We consider functorially finite subcategories in module categories over Artin algebras. One main result provides a method, in the setup of bounded derived categories, to compute approximations and the end terms of relative Auslander-Reiten sequences. We also prove an Auslander-Reiten formula for the setting of functorially finite subcategories. Furthermore, we study the category of modules filtered by standard modules for certain quasi-hereditary algebras and we classify precisely when this category...