Indecomposables Over Representation-Finite Algebras Are Extensions of an Indecomposable and a Simple.
I. S. Cohen proved that any commutative local noetherian ring R that is J(R)-adic complete admits a coefficient subring. Analogous to the concept of a coefficient subring is the concept of an inertial subring of an algebra A over a commutative ring K. In case K is a Hensel ring and the module is finitely generated, under some additional conditions, as proved by Azumaya, A admits an inertial subring. In this paper the question of existence of an inertial subring in a locally finite algebra is discussed....
L-zero-divisor graphs of L-commutative rings have been introduced and studied in [5]. Here we consider L-zero-divisor graphs of a finite direct product of L-commutative rings. Specifically, we look at the preservation, or lack thereof, of the diameter and girth of the L-ziro-divisor graph of a L-ring when extending to a finite direct product of L-commutative rings.