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A Basis for Z-Graded Identities of Matrices over Infinite Fields

Azevedo, Sergio (2003)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16R10, 16R20, 16R50The algebra Mn(K) of the matrices n × n over a field K can be regarded as a Z-graded algebra. In this paper, it is proved that if K is an infinite field, all the Z-graded polynomial identities of Mn(K) follow from the identities: x = 0, |α(x)| ≥ n, xy = yx, α(x) = α(y) = 0, xyz = zyx, α(x) = −α(y) = α(z ), where α is the degree of the corresponding variable. This is a generalization of a result of Vasilovsky about the Z-graded identities...

A Characterization of Varieties of Associative Algebras of Exponent two

Giambruno, A., Zaicev, M. (2000)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

∗The first author was partially supported by MURST of Italy; the second author was par- tially supported by RFFI grant 99-01-00233.It was recently proved that any variety of associative algebras over a field of characteristic zero has an integral exponential growth. It is known that a variety V has polynomial growth if and only if V does not contain the Grassmann algebra and the algebra of 2 × 2 upper triangular matrices. It follows that any variety with overpolynomial growth has exponent at least...

A commutativity theorem for associative rings

Mohammad Ashraf (1995)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let m > 1 , s 1 be fixed positive integers, and let R be a ring with unity 1 in which for every x in R there exist integers p = p ( x ) 0 , q = q ( x ) 0 , n = n ( x ) 0 , r = r ( x ) 0 such that either x p [ x n , y ] x q = x r [ x , y m ] y s or x p [ x n , y ] x q = y s [ x , y m ] x r for all y R . In the present paper it is shown that R is commutative if it satisfies the property Q ( m ) (i.e. for all x , y R , m [ x , y ] = 0 implies [ x , y ] = 0 ).

A reduction theorem for ring varieties whose subvariety lattice is distributive

Mikhail V. Volkov (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

We prove a theorem (for arbitrary ring varieties and, in a stronger form, for varieties of associative rings) which basically reduces the problem of a description of varieties with distributive subvariety lattice to the case of algebras over a finite prime field.

An identity related to centralizers in semiprime rings

Joso Vukman (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The purpose of this paper is to prove the following result: Let R be a 2 -torsion free semiprime ring and let T : R R be an additive mapping, such that 2 T ( x 2 ) = T ( x ) x + x T ( x ) holds for all x R . In this case T is left and right centralizer.

An identity with generalized derivations on Lie ideals, right ideals and Banach algebras

Vincenzo de Filippis, Giovanni Scudo, Mohammad S. Tammam El-Sayiad (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a prime ring of characteristic different from 2 , U the Utumi quotient ring of R , C = Z ( U ) the extended centroid of R , L a non-central Lie ideal of R , F a non-zero generalized derivation of R . Suppose that [ F ( u ) , u ] F ( u ) = 0 for all u L , then one of the following holds: (1) there exists α C such that F ( x ) = α x for all x R ; (2) R satisfies the standard identity s 4 and there exist a U and α C such that F ( x ) = a x + x a + α x for all x R . We also extend the result to the one-sided case. Finally, as an application we obtain some range inclusion results of...

Asymptotic Behaviour of Colength of Varieties of Lie Algebras

Mishchenko, S., Zaicev, M. (2000)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

This project was partially supported by RFBR, grants 99-01-00233, 98-01-01020 and 00-15-96128.We study the asymptotic behaviour of numerical characteristics of polynomial identities of Lie algebras over a field of characteristic 0. In particular we investigate the colength for the cocharacters of polynilpotent varieties of Lie algebras. We prove that there exist polynilpotent Lie varieties with exponential and overexponential colength growth. We give the exact asymptotics for the colength of a product...

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