Cancellative relations and matrices
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 15A15, 15A24, 15A33, 16S50.For an n×n matrix A over an arbitrary unitary ring R, we obtain the following Cayley-Hamilton identity with right matrix coefficients: (λ0I+C0)+A(λ1I+C1)+… +An-1(λn-1I+Cn-1)+An (n!I+Cn) = 0, where λ0+λ1x+…+λn-1 xn-1+n!xn is the right characteristic polynomial of A in R[x], I ∈ Mn(R) is the identity matrix and the entries of the n×n matrices Ci, 0 ≤ i ≤ n are in [R,R]. If R is commutative, then C0 = C1 = … = Cn-1 = Cn = 0 and our...
Starting from an arbitrary ring R we provide a systematic construction of ℤ/nℤ-graded rings A which are Frobenius extensions of R, and show that under mild assumptions, A is an Auslander-Gorenstein local ring if and only if so is R.
The discrete algebras over a commutative ring which can be realized as the full endomorphism algebra of a torsion-free -module have been investigated by Dugas and Göbel under the additional set-theoretic axiom of constructibility, . Many interesting results have been obtained for cotorsion-free algebras but the proofs involve rather elaborate calculations in linear algebra. Here these results are rederived in a more natural topological setting and substantial generalizations to topological...