Group algebras whose groups of normalized units have exponent 4
We give a full description of locally finite -groups such that the normalized group of units of the group algebra over a field of characteristic has exponent .
We give a full description of locally finite -groups such that the normalized group of units of the group algebra over a field of characteristic has exponent .
Given a field K of characteristic p > 2 and a finite group G, necessary and sufficient conditions for the unit group U(KG) of the group algebra KG to be centrally metabelian are obtained. It is observed that U(KG) is centrally metabelian if and only if KG is Lie centrally metabelian.
Let U(RG) be the unit group of the group ring RG. Groups G such that U(RG) is FC-nilpotent are determined, where R is the ring of integers Z or a field K of characteristic zero.
Les « groupes totaux » sont les groupes pour lesquels la dimension du centre l’algèbre des invariants d’une algèbre simple centrale associée à un -cocycle sous l’action d’un relevé de l’action galoisienne à est constante quels que soient et . Dans cet article, nous montrons que les groupes quasi-CC (qui sont les groupes de centre cyclique et dont les centralisateurs des éléments hors du centre sont cycliques) sont totaux. Les groupes de type CC qui sont les groupes quasi-CC à centre trivial...
The main result of the paper is a natural construction of the spherical subalgebra in a symplectic reflection algebra associated with a wreath-product in terms of quantum hamiltonian reduction of an algebra of differential operators on a representation space of an extended Dynkin quiver. The existence of such a construction has been conjectured in [EG]. We also present a new approach to reflection functors and shift functors for generalized preprojective algebras and symplectic reflection algebras...
Let R be a complete discrete valuation ring with quotient field K, L/K be a Galois extension with Galois group G and S be the integral closure of R in L. If a is a factor set of G with values in the group of units of S, then (L/K,a) (resp. Λ =(S/R,a)) denotes the crossed product K-algebra (resp. crossed product R -order in A). In this paper hermitian and quadratic forms on Λ -lattices are studied and the existence of at most two irreducible non-singular quadratic Λ -lattices is proved (Theorem 3.5)....