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Bicrossproduct Hopf quasigroups

Jennifer Klim, Shahn Majid (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We recall the notion of Hopf quasigroups introduced previously by the authors. We construct a bicrossproduct Hopf quasigroup k M k ( G ) from every group X with a finite subgroup G X and IP quasigroup transversal M X subject to certain conditions. We identify the octonions quasigroup G 𝕆 as transversal in an order 128 group X with subgroup 2 3 and hence obtain a Hopf quasigroup k G 𝕆 > k ( 2 3 ) as a particular case of our construction.

Bigèbres différentielles graduées associées aux permutoèdres, associaèdres et hypercubes

Frédéric Chapoton (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On définit une structure de bigèbre différentielle graduée sur la somme directe des complexes cellulaires des permutoèdres, qui contient une sous-bigèbre différentielle graduée dont le complexe sous-jacent est la somme directe des complexes cellulaires des polytopes de Stasheff. Ceci étend des constructions de Malvenuto et Reutenauer et de Loday et Ronco pour les sommets des mêmes polytopes.

Bipartite coalgebras and a reduction functor for coradical square complete coalgebras

Justyna Kosakowska, Daniel Simson (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let C be a coalgebra over an arbitrary field K. We show that the study of the category C-Comod of left C-comodules reduces to the study of the category of (co)representations of a certain bicomodule, in case C is a bipartite coalgebra or a coradical square complete coalgebra, that is, C = C₁, the second term of the coradical filtration of C. If C = C₁, we associate with C a K-linear functor C : C - C o m o d H C - C o m o d that restricts to a representation equivalence C : C - c o m o d H C - c o m o d s p , where H C is a coradical square complete hereditary bipartite...

Birings and plethories of integer-valued polynomials

Jesse Elliott (2010)

Actes des rencontres du CIRM

Let A and B be commutative rings with identity. An A - B -biring is an A -algebra S together with a lift of the functor Hom A ( S , - ) from A -algebras to sets to a functor from A -algebras to B -algebras. An A -plethory is a monoid object in the monoidal category, equipped with the composition product, of A - A -birings. The polynomial ring A [ X ] is an initial object in the category of such structures. The D -algebra Int ( D ) has such a structure if D = A is a domain such that the natural D -algebra homomorphism θ n : D i = 1 n Int ( D ) Int ( D n ) is an isomorphism for...

Categorical methods in graded ring theory.

Angel del Río (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let G be a group, R a G-graded ring and X a right G-set. We study functors between categories of modules graded by G-sets, continuing the work of [M]. As an application we obtain generalizations of Cohen-Montgomery Duality Theorems by categorical methods. Then we study when some functors introduced in [M] (which generalize some functors ocurring in [D1], [D2] and [NRV]) are separable. Finally we obtain an application to the study of the weak dimension of a group graded ring.

Cellular covers of cotorsion-free modules

Rüdiger Göbel, José L. Rodríguez, Lutz Strüngmann (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In this paper we improve recent results dealing with cellular covers of R-modules. Cellular covers (sometimes called colocalizations) come up in the context of homotopical localization of topological spaces. They are related to idempotent cotriples, idempotent comonads or coreflectors in category theory. Recall that a homomorphism of R-modules π: G → H is called a cellular cover over H if π induces an isomorphism π : H o m R ( G , G ) H o m R ( G , H ) , where π⁎(φ) = πφ for each φ H o m R ( G , G ) (where maps are acting on the left). On the one hand,...

Central Armendariz rings.

Agayev, Nazim, Güngöroğlu, Gonca, Harmanci, Abdullah, Halicioğlu, S. (2011)

Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series

Centralizers on prime and semiprime rings

Joso Vukman (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The purpose of this paper is to investigate identities satisfied by centralizers on prime and semiprime rings. We prove the following result: Let R be a noncommutative prime ring of characteristic different from two and let S and T be left centralizers on R . Suppose that [ S ( x ) , T ( x ) ] S ( x ) + S ( x ) [ S ( x ) , T ( x ) ] = 0 is fulfilled for all x R . If S 0 ( T ...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 825