On the radical theory of involution algebras
Let be a field and be the standard bigraded polynomial ring over . In this paper, we explicitly describe the structure of finitely generated bigraded “sequentially Cohen-Macaulay” -modules with respect to . Next, we give a characterization of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay modules with respect to in terms of local cohomology modules. Cohen-Macaulay modules that are sequentially Cohen-Macaulay with respect to are considered.
Let be a 2-torsion free prime ring and let be automorphisms of . For any , set . Suppose that is a -derivation defined on . In the present paper it is shown that if satisfies , then either or is commutative if is a nonzero ideal of such that , for all , and commutes with both and , then either or is commutative. if is a nonzero ideal of such that , for all , and commutes with , then is commutative. Finally a related result has been obtain for -derivation....
The notions of a preordering and an ordering of a ring R with involution are investigated. An algebraic condition for the existence of an ordering of R is given. Also, a condition for enlarging an ordering of R to an overring is given. As for the case of a field, any preordering of R can be extended to some ordering. Finally, we investigate the class of archimedean ordered rings with involution.
Commutative rings over which no endomorphism algebra has an outer automorphism are studied.