Differentialgleichungen in Jordantripelsystemen.
For = ℝ or ℂ we exhibit a Jordan-algebra norm ⎮·⎮ on the simple associative algebra with the property that Jordan polynomials over are precisely those associative polynomials over which act ⎮·⎮-continuously on . This analytic determination of Jordan polynomials improves the one recently obtained in [5].
In recent papers, the Right and the Strong* topologies have been introduced and studied on general Banach spaces. We characterize different types of continuity for multilinear operators (joint, uniform, etc.) with respect to the above topologies. We also study the relations between them. Finally, in the last section, we relate the joint Strong*-to-norm continuity of a multilinear operator T defined on C*-algebras (respectively, JB*-triples) to C*-summability (respectively, JB*-triple-summability)....
First, we provide an introduction to the theory and algorithms for noncommutative Gröbner bases for ideals in free associative algebras. Second, we explain how to construct universal associative envelopes for nonassociative structures defined by multilinear operations. Third, we extend the work of Elgendy (2012) for nonassociative structures on the 2-dimensional simple associative triple system to the 4- and 6-dimensional systems.