Displaying 481 – 500 of 767

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On the injectivity of Boolean algebras

Bernhard Banaschewski (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The functor taking global elements of Boolean algebras in the topos 𝐒𝐡 𝔅 of sheaves on a complete Boolean algebra 𝔅 is shown to preserve and reflect injectivity as well as completeness. This is then used to derive a result of Bell on the Boolean Ultrafilter Theorem in 𝔅 -valued set theory and to prove that (i) the category of complete Boolean algebras and complete homomorphisms has no non-trivial injectives, and (ii) the category of frames has no absolute retracts.

On the L -valued categories of L - E -ordered sets

Olga Grigorenko (2012)


The aim of this paper is to construct an L -valued category whose objects are L - E -ordered sets. To reach the goal, first, we construct a category whose objects are L - E -ordered sets and morphisms are order-preserving mappings (in a fuzzy sense). For the morphisms of the category we define the degree to which each morphism is an order-preserving mapping and as a result we obtain an L -valued category. Further we investigate the properties of this category, namely, we observe some special objects, special...

On the structure of halfdiagonal-halfterminal-symmetric categories with diagonal inversions

Hans-Jürgen Vogel (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The category of all binary relations between arbitrary sets turns out to be a certain symmetric monoidal category Rel with an additional structure characterized by a family d = ( d A : A A A | A | R e l | ) of diagonal morphisms, a family t = ( t A : A I | A | R e l | ) of terminal morphisms, and a family = ( A : A A A | A | R e l | ) of diagonal inversions having certain properties. Using this properties in [11] was given a system of axioms which characterizes the abstract concept of a halfdiagonal-halfterminal-symmetric monoidal category with diagonal inversions (hdht∇s-category)....

On universality of semigroup varieties

Marie Demlová, Václav Koubek (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

A category K is called α -determined if every set of non-isomorphic K -objects such that their endomorphism monoids are isomorphic has a cardinality less than α . A quasivariety Q is called Q -universal if the lattice of all subquasivarieties of any quasivariety of finite type is a homomorphic image of a sublattice of the lattice of all subquasivarieties of Q . We say that a variety V is var-relatively alg-universal if there exists a proper subvariety W of V such that homomorphisms of V whose image does...

Opérations sur les cartes et métamorphoses de la catégorie des G-ensembles.

Christian Léger (1991)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

We call metamorphosis of a given category an autoequivalence functor up to within natural equivalence. We show that, given a group G, the group of metamorphoses of the category of G-sets (as well as the corresponding group for ?sufficiently big? subcategories) may be naturally identified to the group of outer automorphism of G. We get by this way a natural description of a group of known operations on tessellations of a surface: the identity operation, the Poincaré duality, and four others which...

Order-enriched solid functors

Lurdes Sousa, Walter Tholen (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Order-enriched solid functors, as presented in this paper in two versions, enjoy many of the strong properties of their ordinary counterparts, including the transfer of the existence of weighted (co)limits from their codomains to their domains. The ordinary version of the notion first appeared in Trnková's work on automata theory of the 1970s and was subsequently studied by others under various names, before being put into a general enriched context by C. Anghel. Our focus in this paper is on differentiating...

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 767