Exponentiability in homotopy slices of TOP and pseudo-slices of CAT.
We introduce a notion of category with feedback-with-delay, closely related to the notion of traced monoidal category, and show that the Circ construction of [15] is the free category with feedback on a symmetric monoidal category. Combining with the Int construction of Joyal et al. [12] we obtain a description of the free compact closed category on a symmetric monoidal category. We thus obtain a categorical analogue of the classical localization of a ring with respect to a multiplicative subset....
We introduce a notion of category with feedback-with-delay, closely related to the notion of traced monoidal category, and show that the Circ construction of [15] is the free category with feedback on a symmetric monoidal category. Combining with the Int construction of Joyal et al. [12] we obtain a description of the free compact closed category on a symmetric monoidal category. We thus obtain a categorical analogue of the classical localization of a ring with respect to a multiplicative subset....