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Normalizers and self-normalizing subgroups II

Boris Širola (2011)

Open Mathematics

Let 𝕂 be a field, G a reductive algebraic 𝕂 -group, and G 1 ≤ G a reductive subgroup. For G 1 ≤ G, the corresponding groups of 𝕂 -points, we study the normalizer N = N G(G 1). In particular, for a standard embedding of the odd orthogonal group G 1 = SO(m, 𝕂 ) in G = SL(m, 𝕂 ) we have N ≅ G 1 ⋊ µm( 𝕂 ), the semidirect product of G 1 by the group of m-th roots of unity in 𝕂 . The normalizers of the even orthogonal and symplectic subgroup of SL(2n, 𝕂 ) were computed in [Širola B., Normalizers and self-normalizing...

On complete orbit spaces of SL(2) actions, II

Andrzej Białynicki-Birula, Joanna Święcicka (1992)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to extend the results of [BB-Ś2] concerning geometric quotients of actions of SL(2) to the case of good quotients. Thus the results of the present paper can be applied to any action of SL(2) on a complete smooth algebraic variety, while the theorems proved in [BB-Ś2] concerned only special situations.

On normal abelian subgroups in parabolic groups

Gerhard Röhrle (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let G be a reductive algebraic group, P a parabolic subgroup of G with unipotent radical P u , and A a closed connected subgroup of P u which is normalized by P . We show that P acts on A with finitely many orbits provided A is abelian. This generalizes a well-known finiteness result, namely the case when A is central in P u . We also obtain an analogous result for the adjoint action of P on invariant linear subspaces of the Lie algebra of P u which are abelian Lie algebras. Finally, we discuss a connection...

On quasihomogeneous manifolds – via Brion-Luna-Vust theorem

Marco Andreatta, Jarosław A. Wiśniewski (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We consider a smooth projective variety X on which a simple algebraic group G acts with an open orbit. We discuss a theorem of Brion-Luna-Vust in order to relate the action of G with the induced action of G on the normal bundle of a closed orbit of the action. We get effective results in case G = S L n and dim X 2 n - 2 .

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 257