Eine Klasse von achtdimensionalen lokalkompakten Translationsebenen mit großen Sicherungsgruppen.
It was proved in [HM] that each topological group (G,·,τ) may be embedded into a connected topological group (Ĝ,•,τ̂). In fact, two methods of introducing τ̂ were given. In this note we show relations between them.
We prove that the topology of the additive group of the Banach space c₀ is not induced by weakly almost periodic functions or, what is the same, that this group cannot be represented as a group of isometries of a reflexive Banach space. We show, in contrast, that additive groups of Schwartz locally convex spaces are always representable as groups of isometries on some reflexive Banach space.
In this paper we give a complete isomorphical classification of free topological groups of locally compact zero-dimensional separable metric spaces . From this classification we obtain for locally compact zero-dimensional separable metric spaces and that the free topological groups and are isomorphic if and only if and are linearly homeomorphic.
An important consequence of a result of Katětov and Morita states that every metrizable space is contained in a complete metrizable space of the same dimension. We give an equivariant version of this fact in the case of a locally compact -compact acting group.