Displaying 341 – 360 of 4570

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A PU-integral on an abstract metric space

Giuseppa Riccobono (1997)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper, we define a -integral, i.e. an integral defined by means of partitions of unity, on a suitable compact metric measure space, whose measure μ is compatible with its topology in the sense that every open set is μ -measurable. We prove that the -integral is equivalent to μ -integral. Moreover, we give an example of a noneuclidean compact metric space such that the above results are true.

A Q -linear automorphism of the reals with non-measurable graph

Stephen Scheinberg (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This note contains a proof of the existence of a one-to-one function Θ of onto itself with the following properties: Θ is a rational-linear automorphism of , and the graph of Θ is a non-measurable subset of the plane.

A Radon-Nikodym derivative for positive linear functionals

E. de Amo, M. Díaz Carrillo (2009)

Studia Mathematica

An exact Radon-Nikodym derivative is obtained for a pair (I,J) of positive linear functionals, with J absolutely continuous with respect to I, using a notion of exhaustion of I on elements of a function algebra lattice.

A remark on functions continuous on all lines

Luděk Zajíček (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that each linearly continuous function f on n (i.e., each function continuous on all lines) belongs to the first Baire class, which answers a problem formulated by K. C. Ciesielski and D. Miller (2016). The same result holds also for f on an arbitrary Banach space X , if f has moreover the Baire property. We also prove (extending a known finite-dimensional result) that such f on a separable X is continuous at all points outside a first category set which is also null in any usual sense.

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 4570