Characteristic Types of Convergence for Certain Classes of Darboux-Baire 1 Functions
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Jaroslav Smítal (1973)
Matematický časopis
B.D. Garrett, D. Nelms (1971/1972)
Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
M. Miller (1976)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Kedian Li (2009)
Matematički Vesnik
Tan Cao Tran (1989)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique
Muthuvel, Kandasamy (2000)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Terry J. Lyons (1982)
Mathematische Annalen
F. Burton Jones (1975)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Aleksander Maliszewski (1994)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
We characterize those Baire one functions f for which the diagonal product x → (f(x), g(x)) has a connected graph whenever g is approximately continuous or is a derivative.
Harvey Rosen (1975)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Jack Brown (1992)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
We review the known facts and establish some new results concerning continuous-restrictions, derivative-restrictions, and differentiable-restrictions of Lebesgue measurable, universally measurable, and Marczewski measurable functions, as well as functions which have the Baire properties in the wide and restricted senses. We also discuss some known examples and present a number of new examples to show that the theorems are sharp.
Darji, Udayan B. (1996)
Journal of Applied Analysis
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