Analyse relative
A real function is -density continuous if it is continuous with the -density topology on both the domain and the range. If is analytic, then is -density continuous. There exists a function which is both and convex which is not -density continuous.
A detailed study of power series on the Levi-Civita fields is presented. After reviewing two types of convergence on those fields, including convergence criteria for power series, we study some analytical properties of power series. We show that within their domain of convergence, power series are infinitely often differentiable and re-expandable around any point within the radius of convergence from the origin. Then we study a large class of functions that are given locally by power series and...
Nous appliquons les résultats d’un article précédent au domaine des fonctions différentiables. Nous obtenons en particulier des théorèmes de division et des théorèmes de fonctions composées.
We recall a recent extension of the classical Banach fixed point theorem to partially ordered sets and justify its applicability to the study of the existence and uniqueness of solution for fuzzy and fuzzy differential equations. To this purpose, we analyze the validity of some properties relative to sequences of fuzzy sets and fuzzy functions.
Using the Rådström-Hörmander theorem on embedding of the hyperspace of closed convex sets in a Banach space, we prove multivalued versions of some results known for real functions.
Continuous set-valued functions with convex images can be approximated by known positive operators of approximation, such as the Bernstein polynomial operators and the Schoenberg spline operators, with the usual sum between numbers replaced by the Minkowski sum of sets. Yet these operators fail to approximate set-valued functions with general sets as images. The Bernstein operators with growing degree, and the Schoenberg operators, when represented as spline subdivision schemes, converge to set-valued...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26E25, 41A35, 41A36, 47H04, 54C65.The paper is an updated survey of our work on the approximation of univariate set-valued functions by samples-based linear approximation operators, beyond the results reported in our previous overview. Our approach is to adapt operators for real-valued functions to set-valued functions, by replacing operations between numbers by operations between sets. For set-valued functions with compact convex images we use Minkowski...
We study the asymptotics of first-order nonlinear difference equations. In particular we present an asymptotic functional equation for potential asymptotic behaviour, and a theorem stating sufficient conditions for the existence of an actual solution with such asymptotic behaviour.