Decompositions of set functions
We characterize the class of definable families of countable sets for which there is a single countable definable set intersecting every element of the family.
We show that if ℱ is a hereditary family of subsets of satisfying certain definable conditions, then the reals are precisely the reals α such that . This generalizes the results for measure and category. Appropriate generalization to the higher levels of the projective hierarchy is obtained under Projective Determinacy. Application of this result to the -encodable reals is also shown.
Let ν be a positive measure on a σ-algebra Σ of subsets of some set and let X be a Banach space. Denote by ca(Σ,X) the Banach space of X-valued measures on Σ, equipped with the uniform norm, and by ca(Σ,ν,X) its closed subspace consisting of those measures which vanish at every ν-null set. We are concerned with the subsets and of ca(Σ,X) defined by the conditions |φ| = ν and |φ| ≥ ν, respectively, where |φ| stands for the variation of φ ∈ ca(Σ,X). We establish necessary and sufficient conditions...
Let Tbe a measurable transformation of a probability space , preserving the measureπ. Let X be a random variable with law π. Call K(⋅, ⋅) a regular version of the conditional law of X given T(X). Fix . We first prove that ifB is reachable from π-almost every point for a Markov chain of kernel K, then the T-orbit of π-almost every point X visits B. We then apply this result to the Lévy transform, which transforms the Brownian motion W into the Brownian motion |W| − L, where L is the local time...
Topological measures (formerly "quasi-measures") are set functions that generalize measures and correspond to certain non-linear functionals on the space of continuous functions. The goal of this paper is to consider relationships between various families of topological measures on a given space. In particular, we prove density theorems involving classes of simple, representable, extreme topological measures and measures, hence giving a way of approximating various topological measures by members...
The measurability of the family, made up of the family of plane pairs and the family of lines in -dimensional space , is stated and its density is given.
We prove that the range of a vector measure determines the σ-finiteness of its variation and the derivability of the measure. Let F and G be two countably additive measures with values in a Banach space such that the closed convex hull of the range of F is a translate of the closed convex hull of the range of G; then F has a σ-finite variation if and only if G does, and F has a Bochner derivative with respect to its variation if and only if G does. This complements a result of [Ro] where we proved...