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Notes on approximation in the Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces of multifunctions

Andrzej Kasperski (1995)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We introduced the notion of ( 𝐗 , dist , 𝒱 ) -boundedness of a filtered family of operators in the Musielak-Orlicz sequence space X ϕ of multifunctions. This notion is used to get the convergence theorems for the families of 𝐗 -linear operators, 𝐗 -dist-sublinear operators and 𝐗 -dist-convex operators. Also, we prove that X ϕ is complete.

Numerical Approximations of the Relative Rearrangement: The piecewise linear case. Application to some Nonlocal Problems

Jean-Michel Rakotoson, Maria Luisa Seoane (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We first prove an abstract result for a class of nonlocal problems using fixed point method. We apply this result to equations revelant from plasma physic problems. These equations contain terms like monotone or relative rearrangement of functions. So, we start the approximation study by using finite element to discretize this nonstandard quantities. We end the paper by giving a numerical resolution of a model containing those terms.

Numerical experimentation and comparison of fuzzy integrals.

Manuel Jorge Bolaños, Luis Daniel Hernández, Antonio Salmerón (1996)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Sugeno and Choquet integrals have been widely studied in the literature from a theoretical viewpoint. However, the behavior of these functionals is known in a general way, but not in practical applications and in particular cases. This paper presents the results of a numerical comparison that attempts to be a basis for a better comprehension and usefulness of both integrals.

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