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Comment on "On some statistical paradoxes and non-conglomerability" by Bruce Hill.

Isaac Levi (1981)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Those who follow Harold Jeffreys in using improper priors together with likelihoods to determine posteriors have thought of the improper measures as probability measures of a deviant sort. This is a mistake. Probability measures are finite measures. Improper distributions generate σ-finite measures. (...)

Comparison of Hausdorff measures with respect to the Euclidean and the Heisenberg metric.

Zoltán M. Balogh, Matthieu Rickly, Francesco Serra Cassano (2003)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We compare the Hausdorff measures and dimensions with respect to the Euclidean and Heisenberg metrics on the first Heisenberg group. The result is a dimension jump described by two inequalities. The sharpness of our estimates is shown by examples. Moreover a comparison between Euclidean and H-rectifiability is given.

Complete pairs of coanalytic sets

Jean Saint Raymond (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be a Polish space, and let C₀ and C₁ be disjoint coanalytic subsets of X. The pair (C₀,C₁) is said to be complete if for every pair (D₀,D₁) of disjoint coanalytic subsets of ω ω there exists a continuous function f : ω ω X such that f - 1 ( C ) = D and f - 1 ( C ) = D . We give several explicit examples of complete pairs of coanalytic sets.

Completely nonmeasurable unions

Robert Rałowski, Szymon Żeberski (2010)

Open Mathematics

Assume that no cardinal κ < 2ω is quasi-measurable (κ is quasi-measurable if there exists a κ-additive ideal of subsets of κ such that the Boolean algebra P(κ)/ satisfies c.c.c.). We show that for a metrizable separable space X and a proper c.c.c. σ-ideal II of subsets of X that has a Borel base, each point-finite cover ⊆ 𝕀 of X contains uncountably many pairwise disjoint subfamilies , with 𝕀 -Bernstein unions ∪ (a subset A ⊆ X is 𝕀 -Bernstein if A and X A meet each Borel 𝕀 -positive subset...

Currently displaying 401 – 420 of 2105