Displaying 21 – 40 of 62

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On integration of vector functions with respect to vector measures

José Rodríguez (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study integration of Banach space-valued functions with respect to Banach space-valued measures. We focus our attention on natural extensions to this setting of the Birkhoff and McShane integrals. The corresponding generalization of the Birkhoff integral was first considered by Dobrakov under the name S * -integral. Our main result states that S * -integrability implies McShane integrability in contexts in which the later notion is definable. We also show that a function is measurable and McShane integrable...

On Kurzweil-Stieltjes integral in a Banach space

Giselle A. Monteiro, Milan Tvrdý (2012)

Mathematica Bohemica

In the paper we deal with the Kurzweil-Stieltjes integration of functions having values in a Banach space X . We extend results obtained by Štefan Schwabik and complete the theory so that it will be well applicable to prove results on the continuous dependence of solutions to generalized linear differential equations in a Banach space. By Schwabik, the integral a b d [ F ] g exists if F : [ a , b ] L ( X ) has a bounded semi-variation on [ a , b ] and g : [ a , b ] X is regulated on [ a , b ] . We prove that this integral has sense also if F is regulated on [ a , b ] ...

On Pettis integrability

Juan Carlos Ferrando (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Assuming that ( Ω , Σ , μ ) is a complete probability space and X a Banach space, in this paper we investigate the problem of the X -inheritance of certain copies of c 0 or in the linear space of all [classes of] X -valued μ -weakly measurable Pettis integrable functions equipped with the usual semivariation norm.

On Pettis integrals with separable range

Grzegorz Plebanek (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Several techniques have been developed to study Pettis integrability of weakly measurable functions with values in Banach spaces. As shown by M. Talagrand [Ta], it is fruitful to regard a weakly measurable mapping as a pointwise compact set of measurable functions - its Pettis integrability is then a purely measure-theoretic question of an appropriate continuity of a measure. On the other hand, properties of weakly measurable functions can be translated into the language of topological measure theory...

On Some Classes of Operators on C(K,X)

Ioana Ghenciu (2015)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Suppose X and Y are Banach spaces, K is a compact Hausdorff space, Σ is the σ-algebra of Borel subsets of K, C(K,X) is the Banach space of all continuous X-valued functions (with the supremum norm), and T:C(K,X) → Y is a strongly bounded operator with representing measure m:Σ → L(X,Y). We show that if T is a strongly bounded operator and T̂:B(K,X) → Y is its extension, then T is limited if and only if its extension T̂ is limited, and that T* is completely continuous (resp. unconditionally...

On strongly Pettis integrable functions in locally convex spaces.

N. D. Chakraborty, Sk. Jaker Ali (1993)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Some characterizations have been given for the relative compactness of the range of the indefinite Pettis integral of a function on a complete finite measure space with values in a quasicomplete Hausdorff locally convex space. It has been shown that the indefinite Pettis integral has a relatively compact range if the functions is measurable by seminorm. Separation property has been defined for a scalarly measurable function and it has been proved that a function with this property is integrable...

On the control measures of vector measures.

Baltasar Rodríguez-Salinas (2003)


Si Σ es una σ-álgebra y X un espacio localmente convexo se estudian las condiciones para las cuales una medida vectorial σ-aditiva γ : Σ → χ tenga una medida de control μ. Si Σ es la σ-álgebra de Borel de un espacio métrico, se obtienen condiciones necesarias y suficientes usando la τ aditividad de γ. También se dan estos resultados para las polimedidas.

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