Displaying 341 – 360 of 541

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On vector measures

Corneliu Constantinescu (1975)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let be the Banach space of real measures on a σ -ring R , let ' be its dual, let E be a quasi-complete locally convex space, let E ' be its dual, and let μ be an E -valued measure on R . If is shown that for any θ ' there exists an element θ d μ of E such that x ' μ , θ = θ d μ , x ' for any x ' E ' and that the map θ θ d μ : ' E is order continuous. It follows that the closed convex hull of μ ( R ) is weakly compact.

On Weak Compactness and Lower Closure Results for Pettis Integrable (Multi)Functions

Erik J. Balder, Anna Rita Sambucini (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

In [4, 5, 7] an abstract, versatile approach was given to sequential weak compactness and lower closure results for scalarly integrable functions and multifunctions. Its main tool is an abstract version of the Komlós theorem, which applies to scalarly integrable functions. Here it is shown that this same approach also applies to Pettis integrable multifunctions, because the abstract Komlós theorem can easily be extended so as to apply to generalized Pettis integrable functions. Some results in the...

Operator ideal properties of vector measures with finite variation

Susumu Okada, Werner J. Ricker, Luis Rodríguez-Piazza (2011)

Studia Mathematica

Given a vector measure m with values in a Banach space X, a desirable property (when available) of the associated Banach function space L¹(m) of all m-integrable functions is that L¹(m) = L¹(|m|), where |m| is the [0,∞]-valued variation measure of m. Closely connected to m is its X-valued integration map Iₘ: f ↦ ∫f dm for f ∈ L¹(m). Many traditional operators from analysis arise as integration maps in this way. A detailed study is made of the connection between the property L¹(m) = L¹(|m|) and the...

Optimal domains for the kernel operator associated with Sobolev's inequality

Guillermo P. Curbera, Werner J. Ricker (2003)

Studia Mathematica

Refinements of the classical Sobolev inequality lead to optimal domain problems in a natural way. This is made precise in recent work of Edmunds, Kerman and Pick; the fundamental technique is to prove that the (generalized) Sobolev inequality is equivalent to the boundedness of an associated kernel operator on [0,1]. We make a detailed study of both the optimal domain, providing various characterizations of it, and of properties of the kernel operator when it is extended to act in its optimal domain....

Optimal integrability of the Jacobian of orientation preserving maps

Andrea Cianchi (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Dato un qualsiasi spazio invariante per riordinamenti X Ω su un insieme aperto Ω R n , si determina il più piccolo spazio invariante per riordinamenti Y Ω con la proprietà che se u : Ω R n è una applicazione che mantiene l'orientamento e D u n X Ω , allora det D u appartiene localmente a Y Ω .

Order convergence of vector measures on topological spaces

Surjit Singh Khurana (2008)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space, E a boundedly complete vector lattice, C b ( X ) the space of all, bounded, real-valued continuous functions on X , the algebra generated by the zero-sets of X , and μ C b ( X ) E a positive linear map. First we give a new proof that μ extends to a unique, finitely additive measure μ E + such that ν is inner regular by zero-sets and outer regular by cozero sets. Then some order-convergence theorems about nets of E + -valued finitely additive measures on are proved, which extend...

Parametrization of Riemann-measurable selections for multifunctions of two variables with application to differential inclusions

Giovanni Anello, Paolo Cubiotti (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider a multifunction F : T × X 2 E , where T, X and E are separable metric spaces, with E complete. Assuming that F is jointly measurable in the product and a.e. lower semicontinuous in the second variable, we establish the existence of a selection for F which is measurable with respect to the first variable and a.e. continuous with respect to the second one. Our result is in the spirit of [11], where multifunctions of only one variable are considered.

Partially additive states on orthomodular posets

Josef Tkadlec (1991)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We fix a Boolean subalgebra B of an orthomodular poset P and study the mappings s:P → [0,1] which respect the ordering and the orthocomplementation in P and which are additive on B. We call such functions B-states on P. We first show that every P possesses "enough" two-valued B-states. This improves the main result in [13], where B is the centre of P. Moreover, it allows us to construct a closure-space representation of orthomodular lattices. We do this in the third section. This result may also...

Points fixes et théorèmes ergodiques dans les espaces L¹(E)

Mourad Besbes (1992)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that for each linear contraction T : X → X (∥T∥ ≤ 1), the subspace F = {x ∈ X : Tx = x} of fixed points is 1-complemented, where X is a suitable subspace of L¹(E*) and E* is a separable dual space such that the weak and weak* topologies coincide on the unit sphere. We also prove some related fixed point results.

Pointwise compactness and continuity of the integral.

G. Vera (1996)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

In this paper we bring together the different known ways of establishing the continuity of the integral over a uniformly integrable set of functions endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence. We use these techniques to study Pettis integrability, as well as compactness in C(K) spaces endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence on a dense subset D in K.

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 541