-continuity of the Fröbenius-Perron semigroup.
On étudie certains cônes de mesures sur un espace localement compact, qui sont invariantes par l’action continue d’un groupe localement compact , cette étude étant centrée sur les génératrices extrémales de ces cônes. On dégage d’abord un type très simple d’action continue où l’on décrit complètement la situation. On dégage ensuite une classe d’actions (contenant par exemple l’action de shift de Bernoulli sur ) qui ne sont pas du type précédent, et que l’on étudie en grand détail. Le résultat...
Using the Perron-Frobenius operator we establish a new functional central limit theorem for non-invertible measure preserving maps that are not necessarily ergodic. We apply the result to asymptotically periodic transformations and give a specific example using the tent map.
The hierarchy of chaotic properties of symmetric infinitely divisible stationary processes is studied in the language of their stochastic representation. The structure of the Musielak-Orlicz space in this representation is exploited here.
The problem of compact factors in ergodic theory and its relationship with the problem of extending a cocycle to a cocycle of a larger action are studied.
Ces notes ont pour but de rassembler les différents résultats de combinatoire des mots relatifs au billard polygonal et polyédral. On commence par rappeler quelques notions de combinatoire, puis on définit le billard, les notions utiles en dynamique et le codage de l’application. On énonce alors les résultats connus en dimension deux puis trois.
Last years, the search for a good theory of quantum dynamical entropy has been very much intensified. This is not only due to its usefulness in quantum probability but mainly because it is a very promising tool for the theory of quantum chaos. Nowadays, there are several constructions which try to fulfill this need, some of which are more mathematically inspired such as CNT (Connes, Narnhofer, Thirring), and the one proposed by Voiculescu, others are more inspired by physics such as ALF (Alicki,...
The aim of this paper is to compare various criteria leading to the central limit theorem and the weak invariance principle. These criteria are the martingale-coboundary decomposition developed by Gordin in Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR188 (1969), the projective criterion introduced by Dedecker in Probab. Theory Related Fields110 (1998), which was subsequently improved by Dedecker and Rio in Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist.36 (2000) and the condition introduced by Maxwell and Woodroofe in Ann. Probab.28...
The existence of non-Bernoullian actions with completely positive entropy is proved for a class of countable amenable groups which includes, in particular, a class of Abelian groups and groups with non-trivial finite subgroups. For this purpose, we apply a reverse version of the Rudolph-Weiss theorem.