A generalization of a result of André-Jeannin concerning summation of reciprocals.
Let be a class of entire functions represented by Dirichlet series with complex frequencies for which is bounded. Then is proved to be a commutative Banach algebra with identity and it fails to become a division algebra. is also proved to be a total set. Conditions for the existence of inverse, topological zero divisor and continuous linear functional for any element belonging to have also been established.
The questions considered in this paper arose from the study [KS] of I. Fredholm's (insufficient) proof that the gap series Σ0∞ an ζn2 (where 0 < |a| < 1) is nowhere continuable across {|ζ| = 1}. The interest of Fredholm's method ([F],[ML]) is not so much its efficacy in proving gap theorems (indeed, much more general results can be got by other means, cf. the Fabry gap theorem in [Di]) as in the connection it made between certain special gap series and partial differential equations...
Nous étudions les fonctions -adiques associées à des séries du typedans certains cas, où elles admettent un prolongement méromorphe à avec un nombre fini de pôles et des valeurs aux entiers négatifs algébriques. On retrouve comme cas particulier les fonctions -adiques des corps totalement réels et les fonctions -multiples -adiques.