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Analytic continuation of Dirichlet series.

J. Milne Anderson, Dimitry Khavinson, Harold S. Shapiro (1995)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The questions considered in this paper arose from the study [KS] of I. Fredholm's (insufficient) proof that the gap series Σ0∞ an ζn2 (where 0 < |a| < 1) is nowhere continuable across {|ζ| = 1}. The interest of Fredholm's method ([F],[ML]) is not so much its efficacy in proving gap theorems (indeed, much more general results can be got by other means, cf. the Fabry gap theorem in [Di]) as in the connection it made between certain special gap series and partial differential equations...

Applications arithmétiques de l'étude des valeurs aux entiers négatifs des séries de Dirichlet associées à un polynôme

Philippe Cassou-Noguès (1981)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous étudions les fonctions p -adiques associées à des séries du type Z ( P , Q , ξ ) ( s ) = n N r Q ( n ) ξ n P ( n ) - s dans certains cas, où elles admettent un prolongement méromorphe à C avec un nombre fini de pôles et des valeurs aux entiers négatifs algébriques. On retrouve comme cas particulier les fonctions L p -adiques des corps totalement réels et les fonctions Γ -multiples p -adiques.

Approximation of entire functions of slow growth on compact sets

G. S. Srivastava, Susheel Kumar (2009)

Archivum Mathematicum

In the present paper, we study the polynomial approximation of entire functions of several complex variables. The characterizations of generalized order and generalized type of entire functions of slow growth have been obtained in terms of approximation and interpolation errors.

Approximation par des fonctions holomorphes à croissance contrôlée.

Philippe Charpentier, Yves Dupain, Modi Mounkaila (1994)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let Ω be a bounded pseudo-convex domain in Cn with a C∞ boundary, and let S be the set of strictly pseudo-convex points of ∂Ω. In this paper, we study the asymptotic behaviour of holomorphic functions along normals arising from points of S. We extend results obtained by M. Ortel and W. Schneider in the unit disc and those of A. Iordan and Y. Dupain in the unit ball of Cn. We establish the existence of holomorphic functions of given growth having a "prescribed behaviour" in almost all normals arising...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 560