Displaying 21 – 40 of 88

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A Riemann-Hilbert problem with a vanishing coefficient and applications to Toeplitz operators

A. Perälä, J. A. Virtanen, L. Wolf (2013)

Concrete Operators

We study the homogeneous Riemann-Hilbert problem with a vanishing scalar-valued continuous coefficient. We characterize non-existence of nontrivial solutions in the case where the coefficient has its values along several rays starting from the origin. As a consequence, some results on injectivity and existence of eigenvalues of Toeplitz operators in Hardy spaces are obtained.

A singular controllability problem with vanishing viscosity

Ioan Florin Bugariu, Sorin Micu (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The aim of this paper is to answer the question: Do the controls of a vanishing viscosity approximation of the one dimensional linear wave equation converge to a control of the conservative limit equation? The characteristic of our viscous term is that it contains the fractional power α of the Dirichlet Laplace operator. Through the parameter α we may increase or decrease the strength of the high frequencies damping which allows us to cover a large class of dissipative mechanisms. The viscous term,...

A topological dichotomy with applications to complex analysis

Iosif Pinelis (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let X be a compact topological space, and let D be a subset of X. Let Y be a Hausdorff topological space. Let f be a continuous map of the closure of D to Y such that f(D) is open. Let E be any connected subset of the complement (to Y) of the image f(∂D) of the boundary ∂D of D. Then f(D) either contains E or is contained in the complement of E. Applications of this dichotomy principle are given, in particular for holomorphic maps, including maximum and minimum modulus principles,...

Accelero-summation of the formal solutions of nonlinear difference equations

Geertrui Klara Immink (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In 1996, Braaksma and Faber established the multi-summability, on suitable multi-intervals, of formal power series solutions of locally analytic, nonlinear difference equations, in the absence of “level 1 + ”. Combining their approach, which is based on the study of corresponding convolution equations, with recent results on the existence of flat (quasi-function) solutions in a particular type of domains, we prove that, under very general conditions, the formal solution is accelero-summable. Its sum...

Algebras of Toeplitz operators with oscillating symbols.

Albrecht Böttcher, Sergei M. Grudsky, Enrique Ramírez de Arellano (2004)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

This paper is devoted to Banach algebras generated by Toeplitz operators with strongly oscillating symbols, that is, with symbols of the form b[eia(x)] where b belongs to some algebra of functions on the unit circle and a is a fixed orientation-preserving homeomorphism of the real line onto itself. We prove the existence of certain interesting homomorphisms and establish conditions for the normal solvability, Fredholmness, and invertibility of operators in these algebras.

Algorithms for Evaluation of the Wright Function for the Real Arguments’ Values

Luchko, Yury (2008)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Math. Subject Classification: 33E12, 65D20, 33F05, 30E15The paper deals with analysis of several techniques and methods for the numerical evaluation of the Wright function. Even if the focus is mainly on the real arguments’ values, the methods introduced here can be used in the complex plane, too. The approaches presented in the paper include integral representations of the Wright function, its asymptotic expansions and summation of series. Because the Wright function depends on two parameters ...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 88