Exponential forms and path integrals for complex numbers in dimensions.
We show that discrete exponentials form a basis of discrete holomorphic functions on a finite critical map. On a combinatorially convex set, the discrete polynomials form a basis as well.
Since 1970’s B. Fuglede and others have been studying finely holomorhic functions, i.e., ‘holomorphic’ functions defined on the so-called fine domains which are not necessarily open in the usual sense. This note is a survey of finely monogenic functions which were introduced in (Lávička, R., A generalisation of monogenic functions to fine domains, preprint.) like a higher dimensional analogue of finely holomorphic functions.
Euclidean Clifford analysis is a higher dimensional function theory studying so–called monogenic functions, i.e. null solutions of the rotation invariant, vector valued, first order Dirac operator . In the more recent branch Hermitean Clifford analysis, this rotational invariance has been broken by introducing a complex structure on Euclidean space and a corresponding second Dirac operator , leading to the system of equations expressing so-called Hermitean monogenicity. The invariance of this...
It is shown that there is a one-to-one correspondence between uniformly bounded holomorphic functions of n complex variables in sectors of ℂⁿ, and uniformly bounded functions of n+1 real variables in sectors of that are monogenic functions in the sense of Clifford analysis. The result is applied to the construction of functional calculi for n commuting operators, including the example of differentiation operators on a Lipschitz surface in .
We consider the Dirac-type operators D + a, a is a paravector in the Clifford algebra. For this operator we state a Cauchy-Green formula in the spaces and . Further, we consider the Cauchy problem for this operator.
Fueter's result (see [6,8]) on inducing quaternionic regular functions from holomorphic functions of a complex variable is extended to Euclidean spaces . It is then proved to be consistent with M. Sce's generalization for being odd integers [6].