Spaces of analytic functions
Let be an entire self-map of , be an entire function on and be a vector-valued entire function on . We extend the Stević-Sharma type operator to the classcial Fock spaces, by defining an operator as follows: We investigate the boundedness and compactness of on Fock spaces. The complex symmetry and self-adjointness of are also characterized.
Let HE∞ be the space of all bounded holomorphic functions on the unit ball of the Banach space E. In this note we study the algebra homomorphisms on HE∞ which are strict continuous.
Let D = {z: |z| < 1} be the unit disk in the complex plane and denote by dA two-dimensional Lebesgue measure on D. For ε > 0 we define Σε = {z: |arg z| < ε}. We prove that for every ε > 0 there exists a δ > 0 such that if f is analytic, univalent and area-integrable on D, and f(0) = 0 thenThis problem arose in connection with a characterization by Hamilton, Reich and Strebel of extremal dilatation for quasiconformal homeomorphisms of D.
We study the canonical injection from the Hardy-Orlicz space into the Bergman-Orlicz space .
Let be a positive Borel measure on the complex plane and let with . We study the generalized Toeplitz operators on the Fock space . We prove that is bounded (or compact) on if and only if is a Fock-Carleson measure (or vanishing Fock-Carleson measure). Furthermore, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for to be in the Schatten -class for .