On (r, 2)-capacities for a class of elliptic pseudo differential operators.
It is well known that strong Feller semigroups generate balayage spaces provided the set of their excessive functions contains sufficiently many elements. In this note, we give explicit examples of strong Feller semigroups which do generate balayage spaces. Further we want to point out the role of the generator of the semigroup in the related potential theory.
We show that in the class of complex ellipsoids the symmetry of the pluricomplex Green function is equivalent to convexity of the ellipsoid.
We characterize the Choquet integrals associated to Bessel capacities in terms of the preduals of the Sobolev multiplier spaces. We make use of the boundedness of local Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on the preduals of the Sobolev multiplier spaces and the minimax theorem as the main tools for the characterizations.
We consider the general Schrödinger operator on a half-space in ℝⁿ, n ≥ 3. We prove that the L-Green function G exists and is comparable to the Laplace-Green function provided that μ is in some class of signed Radon measures. The result extends the one proved on the half-plane in [9] and covers the case of Schrödinger operators with potentials in the Kato class at infinity considered by Zhao and Pinchover. As an application we study the cone of all positive L-solutions continuously vanishing...
In the present paper we study the integral representation of nonnegative finely superharmonic functions in a fine domain subset of a Brelot -harmonic space with countable base of open subsets and satisfying the axiom . When satisfies the hypothesis of uniqueness, we define the Martin boundary of and the Martin kernel and we obtain the integral representation of invariant functions by using the kernel . As an application of the integral representation we extend to the cone of nonnegative...