Common Fixed Points of Commuting Holomorphic Maps.
Si dimostra che il complementare di un sottospazio analitico chiuso localmente intersezione completa di codimensione di una varietà di Stein è -completo.
We give an example of a Zalcman-type domain in ℂ which is complete with respect to the integrated form of the (k+1)st Reiffen pseudometric, but not complete with respect to the kth one.
In this note we give a characterization of the complex geodesics of the minimal ball in . This answers a question posed by Jarnicki and Pflug (cf. [JP], Example 8.3.10)
It is proved that if F is a convex closed set in ℂⁿ, n ≥2, containing at most one (n-1)-dimensional complex hyperplane, then the Kobayashi metric and the Lempert function of ℂⁿ∖ F identically vanish.
We prove that the Carathéodory discs for doubly connected domains in the complex plane are connected.
We show that the restriction operator of the space of holomorphic functions on a complex Lie group to an analytic subset V has a continuous linear right inverse if it is surjective and if V is a finite branched cover over a connected closed subgroup Γ of G. Moreover, we show that if Γ and G are complex Lie groups and V ⊂ Γ × G is an analytic set such that the canonical projection is finite and proper, then has a right inverse