Die Polynomlösungen spezieller partieller Differentialgleichungen.
Our purpose is to generalize the dispersive inequalities for the wave equation on the Heisenberg group, obtained in [1], to H-type groups. On those groups we get optimal time decay for solutions to the wave equation (decay as ) and the Schrödinger equation (decay as ), p being the dimension of the center of the group. As a corollary, we obtain the corresponding Strichartz inequalities for the wave equation, and, assuming that p > 1, for the Schrödinger equation.
Let be a Brownian motion valued in the complex projective space . Using unitary spherical harmonics of homogeneous degree zero, we derive the densities of and of , and express them through Jacobi polynomials in the simplices of and respectively. More generally, the distribution of may be derived using the decomposition of the unitary spherical harmonics under the action of the unitary group yet computations become tedious. We also revisit the approach initiated in [13] and based on...
Burr distributions are some of the most versatile distributions in statistics. In this paper, a drought application is described by deriving the exact distributions of U = XY and W = X/(X+Y) when X and Y are independent Burr XII random variables. Drought data from the State of Nebraska are used.