On certain formulas of Karlin and Szegö.
We show that the discriminant of the generalized Laguerre polynomial is a non-zero square for some integer pair , with , if and only if belongs to one of explicitly given infinite sets of pairs or to an additional finite set of pairs. As a consequence, we obtain new information on when the Galois group of over is the alternating group . For example, we establish that for all but finitely many positive integers , the only for which the Galois group of over is is .
MSC 2010: 26A33, 33E12, 33C60, 35R11In this paper we derive an analytic solution for the fractional Helmholtz equation in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function. The solutions to the fractional Poisson and the Laplace equations of the same kind are obtained, again represented by means of the Mittag-Leffler function. In all three cases the solutions are represented also in terms of Fox's H-function.