Displaying 501 – 520 of 1606

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Gaussian estimates for fundamental solutions to certain parabolic systems.

Steve Hofmann, Seick Kim (2004)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Auscher proved Gaussian upper bound estimates for the fundamental solutions to parabolic equations with complex coefficients in the case when coefficients are time-independent and a small perturbation of real coefficients. We prove the equivalence between the local boundedness property of solutions to a parabolic system and a Gaussian upper bound for its fundamental matrix. As a consequence, we extend Auscher's result to the time dependent case.

Gaussian estimates for Schrödinger perturbations

Krzysztof Bogdan, Karol Szczypkowski (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We propose a new general method of estimating Schrödinger perturbations of transition densities using an auxiliary transition density as a majorant of the perturbation series. We present applications to Gaussian bounds by proving an optimal inequality involving four Gaussian kernels, which we call the 4G Theorem. The applications come with honest control of constants in estimates of Schrödinger perturbations of Gaussian-type heat kernels and also allow for specific non-Kato perturbations.

Generalizations of Melin's inequality to systems

Raymond Brummelhuis (2001)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We discuss a recent necessary and sufficient condition for Melin's inequality for a class of systems of pseudodifferential operators.

Generalized gradient flow and singularities of the Riemannian distance function

Piermarco Cannarsa (2012/2013)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications

Significant information about the topology of a bounded domain Ω of a Riemannian manifold M is encoded into the properties of the distance, d Ω , from the boundary of Ω . We discuss recent results showing the invariance of the singular set of the distance function with respect to the generalized gradient flow of d Ω , as well as applications to homotopy equivalence.

Generating singularities of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations using Wolff’s potential

Darko Žubrinić (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider a quasilinear elliptic problem whose left-hand side is a Leray-Lions operator of p -Laplacian type. If p < γ < N and the right-hand side is a Radon measure with singularity of order γ at x 0 Ω , then any supersolution in W l o c 1 , p ( Ω ) has singularity of order at least ( γ - p ) ( p - 1 ) at x 0 . In the proof we exploit a pointwise estimate of 𝒜 -superharmonic solutions, due to Kilpeläinen and Malý, which involves Wolff’s potential of Radon’s measure.

Geodesic flow on SO(4), Kac-Moody Lie algebra and singularities in the complex t-plane.

Ahmed Lesfari (1999)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The article studies geometrically the Euler-Arnold equations associatedto geodesic flow on SO(4) for a left invariant diagonal metric. Such metric were first introduced by Manakov [17] and extensively studied by Mishchenko-Fomenko [18] and Dikii [6]. An essential contribution into the integrability of this problem was also made by Adler-van Moerbeke [4] and Haine [8]. In this problem there are four invariants of the motion defining in C4 = Lie(SO(4) ⊗ C) an affine Abelian surface as complete intersection...

Geometric optics and instability for NLS and Davey-Stewartson models

Rémi Carles, Eric Dumas, Christof Sparber (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the interaction of (slowly modulated) high frequency waves for multi-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equations with Gauge invariant power-law nonlinearities and nonlocal perturbations. The model includes the Davey-Stewartson system in its elliptic-elliptic and hyperbolic-elliptic variants. Our analysis reveals a new localization phenomenon for nonlocal perturbations in the high frequency regime and allows us to infer strong instability results on the Cauchy problem in negative order Sobolev...

Geometry of KDV (1): Addition and the unimodular spectral classes.

Henry P. McKean (1986)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

This is the first of three papers on the geometry of KDV. It presents what purports to be a foliation of an extensive function space into which all known invariant manifolds of KDV fit naturally as special leaves. The two main themes are addition (each leaf has its private one) and unimodal spectral classes (each leaf has a spectral interpretation).

Global and exponential attractors for a Caginalp type phase-field problem

Brice Bangola (2013)

Open Mathematics

We deal with a generalization of the Caginalp phase-field model associated with Neumann boundary conditions. We prove that the problem is well posed, before studying the long time behavior of solutions. We establish the existence of the global attractor, but also of exponential attractors. Finally, we study the spatial behavior of solutions in a semi-infinite cylinder, assuming that such solutions exist.

Currently displaying 501 – 520 of 1606