Stability and approximations of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the Neumann Laplacian. I.
The class of Sturm-Liouville systems is defined. It appears to be a subclass of Riesz-spectral systems, since it is shown that the negative of a Sturm-Liouville operator is a Riesz-spectral operator on L^2(a,b) and the infinitesimal generator of a C_0-semigroup of bounded linear operators.
Dans cet article on décrit le spectre semi-classique d’un opérateur de Schrödinger sur avec un potentiel type double puits. La description qu’on donne est celle du spectre autour du maximum local du potentiel. Dans la classification des singularités de l’application moment d’un système intégrable, le double puits représente le cas des singularités non-dégénérées de type hyperbolique.
In this paper, we consider shape optimization problems for the principal eigenvalues of second order uniformly elliptic operators in bounded domains of . We first recall the classical Rayleigh-Faber-Krahn problem, that is the minimization of the principal eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian in a domain with fixed Lebesgue measure. We then consider the case of the Laplacian with a bounded drift, that is the operator , for which the minimization problem is still well posed. Next, we deal with...
Let D₀=x∈ ℝ²: 0<|x|<1 be the unit punctured disk. We consider the first eigenvalue λ₁(ρ ) of the problem Δ² u =λ ρ u in D₀ with Dirichlet boundary condition, where ρ is an arbitrary function that takes only two given values 0 < α < β and is subject to the constraint for a fixed 0 < γ < |D₀|. We will be concerned with the minimization problem ρ ↦ λ₁(ρ). We show that, under suitable conditions on α, β and γ, the minimizer does not inherit the radial symmetry of the domain.