Semilinear elliptic eigenvalue problems on an infinite strip with an application to stratified fluids
For and either or , we prove the existence of solutions of in a cone , with vertex 0 and opening , vanishing on , of the form . The problem reduces to a quasilinear elliptic equation on and the existence proof is based upon degree theory and homotopy methods. We also obtain a nonexistence result in some critical case by making use of an integral type identity.
Signals generated in circuits that include nano-structured elements typically have strongly distinct characteristics, particularly the hysteretic distortion. This is due to memristance, which is one of the key electronic properties of nanostructured materials. In this article, we consider signals generated from a memrsitive circuit model. We demonstrate numerically that such signals can be efficiently represented in certain custom-designed nonorthogonal bases. The proposed method ensures that the...
Nello studio dei problemi del tipo , si impongono generalmente delle condizione sul comportamento asintotico di rispetto allo spettro di . Avendo in vista dei problemi quasilineari del tipo , sembra naturale introdurre una nozione di spettro per che tenga conto della dipendenza del membro di destra rispetto al gradiende . L'oggetto di questo lavoro è di definire, studiare e applicare questa nuova nozione di spettro.