Euler-Lagrange inclusions and existence of minimizers for a class of non-coercive variational problems.
We study eigenvalue problems with discontinuous terms. In particular we consider two problems: a nonlinear problem and a semilinear problem for elliptic equations. In order to study the existence of solutions we replace these two problems with their multivalued approximations and, for the first problem, we estabilish an existence result while for the second problem we prove the existence of multiple nontrivial solutions. The approach used is variational.
We study a general class of nonlinear elliptic problems associated with the differential inclusion in Ω where . The vector field a(·,·) is a Carathéodory function. Using truncation techniques and the generalized monotonicity method in function spaces we prove existence of renormalized solutions for general -data.
We consider a nonlinear evolution inclusion defined in the abstract framework of an evolution triple of spaces and we look for extremal periodic solutions. The nonlinear operator is only pseudomonotone coercive. Our approach is based on techniques of multivalued analysis and on the theory of operators of monotone-type. An example of a parabolic distributed parameter system is also presented.
We present two existence results for the Dirichlet elliptic inclusion with an upper semicontinuous multivalued right-hand side in exponential-type Orlicz spaces involving a vector Laplacian, subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions on a domain Ω⊂ ℝ². The first result is obtained via the multivalued version of the Leray-Schauder principle together with the Nakano-Dieudonné sequential weak compactness criterion. The second result is obtained by using the nonsmooth variational technique together with...