A class of nonstationary adic transformations
We develop a natural matrix formalism for state splittings and amalgamations of higher-dimensional subshifts of finite type which extends the common notion of strong shift equivalence of ℤ⁺-matrices. Using the decomposition theorem every topological conjugacy between two -shifts of finite type can thus be factorized into a finite chain of matrix transformations acting on the transition matrices of the two subshifts. Our results may be used algorithmically in computer explorations on topological...
We investigate the properties of the entropy and conditional entropy of measurable partitions of unity in the space of essentially bounded functions defined on a Lebesgue probability space.
We introduce a property of ergodic flows, called Property B. We prove that an ergodic hyperfinite equivalence relation of type III₀ whose associated flow has this property is not of product type. A consequence is that a properly ergodic flow with Property B is not approximately transitive. We use Property B to construct a non-AT flow which-up to conjugacy-is built under a function with the dyadic odometer as base automorphism.
We study if the combinatorial entropy of a finite cover can be computed using finite partitions finer than the cover. This relates to an unsolved question in [R] for open covers. We explicitly compute the topological entropy of a fixed clopen cover showing that it is smaller than the infimum of the topological entropy of all finer clopen partitions.
The notion of adjoint entropy for endomorphisms of an Abelian group is somehow dual to that of algebraic entropy. The Abelian groups of zero adjoint entropy, i.e. ones whose endomorphisms all have zero adjoint entropy, are investigated. Torsion groups and cotorsion groups satisfying this condition are characterized. It is shown that many classes of torsionfree groups contain groups of either zero or infinite adjoint entropy. In particular, no characterization of torsionfree groups of zero adjoint...
Despite many notable advances the general problem of classifying ergodic measure preserving transformations (MPT) has remained wide open. We show that the action of the whole group of MPT’s on ergodic actions by conjugation is turbulent in the sense of G. Hjorth. The type of classifications ruled out by this property include countable algebraic objects such as those that occur in the Halmos–von Neumann theorem classifying ergodic MPT’s with pure point spectrum. We treat both the classical case of...