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Oscillation conditions for difference equations with several variable arguments

George E. Chatzarakis, Takaŝi Kusano, Ioannis P. Stavroulakis (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica

Consider the difference equation Δ x ( n ) + i = 1 m p i ( n ) x ( τ i ( n ) ) = 0 , n 0 x ( n ) - i = 1 m p i ( n ) x ( σ i ( n ) ) = 0 , n 1 , where ( p i ( n ) ) , 1 i m are sequences of nonnegative real numbers, τ i ( n ) [ σ i ( n ) ], 1 i m are general retarded (advanced) arguments and Δ [ ] denotes the forward (backward) difference operator Δ x ( n ) = x ( n + 1 ) - x ( n ) [ x ( n ) = x ( n ) - x ( n - 1 ) ]. New oscillation criteria are established when the well-known oscillation conditions lim sup n i = 1 m j = τ ( n ) n p i ( j ) > 1 lim sup n i = 1 m j = n σ ( n ) p i ( j ) > 1 and lim inf n i = 1 m j = τ i ( n ) n - 1 p i ( j ) > 1 e lim inf n i = 1 m j = n + 1 σ i ( n ) p i ( j ) > 1 e are not satisfied. Here τ ( n ) = max 1 i m τ i ( n ) [ σ ...

Oscillation Criteria of Second-Order Quasi-Linear Neutral Delay Difference Equations

Thandapani, E., Pandian, S., Revathi, T. (2010)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 39A10.The oscillatory and nonoscillatory behaviour of solutions of the second order quasi linear neutral delay difference equation Δ(an | Δ(xn+pnxn-τ)|α-1 Δ(xn+pnxn-τ) + qnf(xn-σ)g(Δxn) = 0 where n ∈ N(n0), α > 0, τ, σ are fixed non negative integers, {an}, {pn}, {qn} are real sequences and f and g real valued continuous functions are studied. Our results generalize and improve some known results of neutral delay difference equations.

Oscillation of certain difference equations

Said R. Grace (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Some new criteria for the oscillation of difference equations of the form Δ 2 x n - p n Δ x n - h + q n | x g n | c s g n x g n = 0 and Δ i x n + p n Δ i - 1 x n - h + q n | x g n | c s g n x g n = 0 , i = 2 , 3 , are established.

Oscillation of even order nonlinear delay dynamic equations on time scales

Lynn H. Erbe, Raziye Mert, Allan Peterson, Ağacık Zafer (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

One of the important methods for studying the oscillation of higher order differential equations is to make a comparison with second order differential equations. The method involves using Taylor's Formula. In this paper we show how such a method can be used for a class of even order delay dynamic equations on time scales via comparison with second order dynamic inequalities. In particular, it is shown that nonexistence of an eventually positive solution of a certain second order delay dynamic inequality...

Oscillation of forced nonlinear neutral delay difference equations of first order

N. Parhi, Arun Kumar Tripathy (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for every solution of Δ ( y n + p n y n - m ) ± q n G ( y n - k ) = f n to oscillate or tend to zero as n , where p n , q n and f n are sequences of real numbers such that q n 0 . Different ranges for p n are considered.

Oscillation of nonlinear three-dimensional difference systems with delays

Ewa Schmeidel (2010)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper the three-dimensional nonlinear difference system Δ x n = a n f ( y n - l ) , Δ y n = b n g ( z n - m ) , Δ z n = δ c n h ( x n - k ) , is investigated. Sufficient conditions under which the system is oscillatory or almost oscillatory are presented.

Oscillation of second-order quasilinear retarded difference equations via canonical transform

George E. Chatzarakis, Deepalakshmi Rajasekar, Saravanan Sivagandhi, Ethiraju Thandapani (2024)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study the oscillatory behavior of the second-order quasi-linear retarded difference equation Δ ( p ( n ) ( Δ y ( n ) ) α ) + η ( n ) y β ( n - k ) = 0 under the condition n = n 0 p - 1 α ( n ) < (i.e., the noncanonical form). Unlike most existing results, the oscillatory behavior of this equation is attained by transforming it into an equation in the canonical form. Examples are provided to show the importance of our main results.

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 517