Displaying 381 – 400 of 517

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Properties of differences of meromorphic functions

Zong-Xuan Chen, Kwang Ho Shon (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let f be a transcendental meromorphic function. We propose a number of results concerning zeros and fixed points of the difference g ( z ) = f ( z + c ) - f ( z ) and the divided difference g ( z ) / f ( z ) .

Results on the deficiencies of some differential-difference polynomials of meromorphic functions

Xiu-Min Zheng, Hong-Yan Xu (2016)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we study the relation between the deficiencies concerning a meromorphic function f(z), its derivative f′(z) and differential-difference monomials f(z)mf(z+c)f′(z), f(z+c)nf′(z), f(z)mf(z+c). The main results of this paper are listed as follows: Let f(z) be a meromorphic function of finite order satisfying lim sup r→+∞ T(r, f) T(r,  f ′ ) <+∞, lim sup r + T ( r , f ) T ( r , f ' ) < + , and c be a non-zero complex constant, then δ(∞, f(z)m f(z+c)f′(z))≥δ(∞, f′) and δ(∞,f(z+c)nf′(z))≥ δ(∞, f′). We also investigate the value...

Sets of k -recurrence but not ( k + 1 ) -recurrence

Nikos Frantzikinakis, Emmanuel Lesigne, Máté Wierdl (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

For every k , we produce a set of integers which is k -recurrent but not ( k + 1 ) -recurrent. This extends a result of Furstenberg who produced a 1 -recurrent set which is not 2 -recurrent. We discuss a similar result for convergence of multiple ergodic averages. We also point out a combinatorial consequence related to Szemerédi’s theorem.

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 517