Sampling of Band-Limited Vectors.
Three problems arising in approximation theory are studied. These problems have already been studied by Arthur Sard. The main goal of this paper is to use geometrical compatibility theory to extend Sard's results and get characterizations of the sets of solutions.
Using some results proved in De Pascale and Pratelli [Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ. 14 (2002) 249-274] (and De Pascale et al. [Bull. London Math. Soc. 36 (2004) 383-395]) and a suitable interpolation technique, we show that the transport density relative to an source is also an function for any .
Using some results proved in De Pascale and Pratelli [Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ.14 (2002) 249-274] (and De Pascale et al. [Bull. London Math. Soc.36 (2004) 383-395]) and a suitable interpolation technique, we show that the transport density relative to an Lp source is also an Lp function for any .
We give some approximation theorems in the Whitney topology for a general class of analytic fiber bundles. This leads to a classification theorem which generalizes the classical ones.
In this paper we deal with a best approximation of a vector with respect to a closed semi-algebraic set C in the space ℝⁿ endowed with a semi-algebraic norm ν. Under additional assumptions on ν we prove semi-algebraicity of the set of points of unique approximation and other sets associated with the distance to C. For C irreducible algebraic we study the critical point correspondence and introduce the ν-distance degree, generalizing the notion developed by other authors for the Euclidean norm. We...
An investigation is carried out of the compact convex sets X in an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space , for which the metric antiprojection from e to X has fixed cardinality n+1 ( arbitrary) for every e in a dense subset of . A similar study is performed in the case of the metric projection from e to X where X is a compact subset of .