Displaying 21 – 40 of 2593

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A classification of projectors

Gustavo Corach, Alejandra Maestripieri, Demetrio Stojanoff (2005)

Banach Center Publications

A positive operator A and a closed subspace of a Hilbert space ℋ are called compatible if there exists a projector Q onto such that AQ = Q*A. Compatibility is shown to depend on the existence of certain decompositions of ℋ and the ranges of A and A 1 / 2 . It also depends on a certain angle between A() and the orthogonal of .

A commutant lifting theorem on analytic polyhedra

Calin Ambrozie, Jörg Eschmeier (2005)

Banach Center Publications

In this note a commutant lifting theorem for vector-valued functional Hilbert spaces over generalized analytic polyhedra in ℂⁿ is proved. Let T be the compression of the multiplication tuple M z to a *-invariant closed subspace of the underlying functional Hilbert space. Our main result characterizes those operators in the commutant of T which possess a lifting to a multiplier with Schur class symbol. As an application we obtain interpolation results of Nevanlinna-Pick and Carathéodory-Fejér type...

A compact set without Markov’s property but with an extension operator for C -functions

Alexander Goncharov (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We give an example of a compact set K ⊂ [0, 1] such that the space ℇ(K) of Whitney functions is isomorphic to the space s of rapidly decreasing sequences, and hence there exists a linear continuous extension operator L : ( K ) C [ 0 , 1 ] . At the same time, Markov’s inequality is not satisfied for certain polynomials on K.

A comparative analysis of Bernstein type estimates for the derivative of multivariate polynomials

Szilárd Gy. Révész (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We compare the yields of two methods to obtain Bernstein type pointwise estimates for the derivative of a multivariate polynomial in a domain where the polynomial is assumed to have sup norm at most 1. One method, due to Sarantopoulos, relies on inscribing ellipses in a convex domain K. The other, pluripotential-theoretic approach, mainly due to Baran, works for even more general sets, and uses the pluricomplex Green function (the Zaharjuta-Siciak extremal function). When the inscribed ellipse method...

A conjecture on multivariate polynomial interpolation.

Jesús Miguel Carnicer, Mariano Gasca (2001)


La generalización de las fórmulas de interpolación de Lagrange y Newton a varias variables es uno de los temas habituales de estudio en interpolación polinómica. Dos clases de configuraciones geométricas particularmente interesantes en el plano fueron obtenidas por Chung y Yao en 1978 para la fórmula de Lagrange y por Gasca y Maeztu en 1982 para la de Newton. Estos últimos autores conjeturaron que toda configuración de la primera clase es de la segunda, y probaron que el recíproco no es cierto....

A counterexample in comonotone approximation in L p space

Xiang Wu, Song Zhou (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Refining the idea used in [24] and employing very careful computation, the present paper shows that for 0 < p ≤ ∞ and k ≥ 1, there exists a function f C [ - 1 , 1 ] k , with f ( k ) ( x ) 0 for x ∈ [0,1] and f ( k ) ( x ) 0 for x ∈ [-1,0], such that lim supn→∞ (en(k)(f)p) / (ωk+2+[1/p](f,n-1)p) = + ∞ where e n ( k ) ( f ) p is the best approximation of degree n to f in L p by polynomials which are comonotone with f, that is, polynomials P so that P ( k ) ( x ) f ( k ) ( x ) 0 for all x ∈ [-1,1]. This theorem, which is a particular case of a more general one, gives a complete solution...

A Dichotomy Principle for Universal Series

V. Farmaki, V. Nestoridis (2008)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Applying results of the infinitary Ramsey theory, namely the dichotomy principle of Galvin-Prikry, we show that for every sequence ( α j ) j = 1 of scalars, there exists a subsequence ( α k j ) j = 1 such that either every subsequence of ( α k j ) j = 1 defines a universal series, or no subsequence of ( α k j ) j = 1 defines a universal series. In particular examples we decide which of the two cases holds.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 2593