Calculating a class of integrals encountered in theoretical chemistry
The calculation of sound generation and propagation in low Mach number flows requires serious reflections on the characteristics of the underlying equations. Although the compressible Euler/Navier-Stokes equations cover all effects, an approximation via standard compressible solvers does not have the ability to represent acoustic waves correctly. Therefore, different methods have been developed to deal with the problem. In this paper, three of them are considered and compared to each other. They...
The calculation of sound generation and propagation in low Mach number flows requires serious reflections on the characteristics of the underlying equations. Although the compressible Euler/Navier-Stokes equations cover all effects, an approximation via standard compressible solvers does not have the ability to represent acoustic waves correctly. Therefore, different methods have been developed to deal with the problem. In this paper, three of them are considered and compared to each other....
En este trabajo discutimos la resolución de la ecuación de Besseld2x/dx2 + (1/x)(dy/dx) - (1 - s2/x2)y = 0.Las funciones de Bessel modificadas Kv(x) e Iv(x) son las soluciones a la ecuación anterior cuando v = is. El valor de la función Kis(x) es real y el de la función Iis(x) es complejo, por ello definimos en su lugar una función real Mis(x). La función Iis(x) resultará ser una combinación de las funciones Kis(x) y Mis(x). Daremos algunos desarrollos en serie de Mis(x) y Kis(x) junto con sus derivadas...
A general method of deriving canonical functions for ray field singularities involving caustics, shadow boundaries and their intersections is presented. It is shown that many time-domain canonical functions can be expressed in terms of elementary functions and elliptic integrals.
In this article, we extend Caristi's fixed point theorem, Ekeland's variational principle and Takahashi's maximization theorem to fuzzy metric spaces in the sense of George and Veeramani [A. George , P. Veeramani, On some results in fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 64 (1994) 395-399]. Further, a direct simple proof of the equivalences among these theorems is provided.
We apply the Cauchy-Poisson transform to prove some multivariate polynomial inequalities. In particular, we show that if the pluricomplex Green function of a fat compact set E in is Hölder continuous then E admits a Szegö type inequality with weight function with a positive κ. This can be viewed as a (nontrivial) generalization of the classical result for the interval E = [-1,1] ⊂ ℝ.
We prove the central limit theorem for the integrated square error of multivariate box-spline density estimators.
The present paper is a continuation of the earlier work of the author. Here we study the rate of convergence of certain Durrmeyer type operators for function having derivatives of bounded variation.
We show that in the class of compact sets K in with an analytic parametrization of order m, the sets with Zariski dimension m are exactly those which admit a Bernstein (or a van der Corput-Schaake) type inequality for tangential derivatives of (the traces of) polynomials on K.