Displaying 281 – 300 of 693

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Local integrability of strong and iterated maximal functions

Paul Alton Hagelstein (2001)

Studia Mathematica

Let M S denote the strong maximal operator. Let M x and M y denote the one-dimensional Hardy-Littlewood maximal operators in the horizontal and vertical directions in ℝ². A function h supported on the unit square Q = [0,1]×[0,1] is exhibited such that Q M y M x h < but Q M x M y h = . It is shown that if f is a function supported on Q such that Q M y M x f < but Q M x M y f = , then there exists a set A of finite measure in ℝ² such that A M S f = .

Lp-bounds for spherical maximal operators on Zn.

Akos Magyar (1997)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We prove analogue statements of the spherical maximal theorem of E. M. Stein, for the lattice points Zn. We decompose the discrete spherical measures as an integral of Gaussian kernels st,ε(x) = e2πi|x|2(t + iε). By using Minkowski's integral inequality it is enough to prove Lp-bounds for the corresponding convolution operators. The proof is then based on L2-estimates by analysing the Fourier transforms ^st,ε(ξ), which can be handled by making use of the circle method for exponential sums. As a...

Mapping properties of integral averaging operators

H. Heinig, G. Sinnamon (1998)

Studia Mathematica

Characterizations are obtained for those pairs of weight functions u and v for which the operators T f ( x ) = ʃ a ( x ) b ( x ) f ( t ) d t with a and b certain non-negative functions are bounded from L u p ( 0 , ) to L v q ( 0 , ) , 0 < p,q < ∞, p≥ 1. Sufficient conditions are given for T to be bounded on the cones of monotone functions. The results are applied to give a weighted inequality comparing differences and derivatives as well as a weight characterization for the Steklov operator.

Mapping properties of the elliptic maximal function.

M. Burak Erdogan (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We prove that the elliptic maximal function maps the Sobolev space W4,eta(R2) into L4(R2) for all eta &gt; 1/6. The main ingredients of the proof are an analysis of the intersectiQn properties of elliptic annuli and a combinatorial method of Kolasa and Wolff.

Marcinkiewicz integrals on product spaces

H. Al-Qassem, A. Al-Salman, L. C. Cheng, Y. Pan (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We prove the L p boundedness of the Marcinkiewicz integral operators μ Ω on n × × n k under the condition that Ω L ( l o g L ) k / 2 ( n - 1 × × n k - 1 ) . The exponent k/2 is the best possible. This answers an open question posed by Y. Ding.

Maximal and area integral characterizations of Hardy-Soboley spaces in the unit ball of Cn.

Patrick Ahern, Joaquim Bruna (1988)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

In this paper we deal with several characterizations of the Hardy-Sobolev spaces in the unit ball of Cn, that is, spaces of holomorphic functions in the ball whose derivatives up to a certain order belong to the classical Hardy spaces. Some of our characterizations are in terms of maximal functions, area functions or Littlewood-Paley functions involving only complex-tangential derivatives. A special case of our results is a characterization of Hp itself involving only complex-tangential derivatives....

Maximal function and Carleson measures in the theory of Békollé-Bonami weights

Carnot D. Kenfack, Benoît F. Sehba (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let ω be a Békollé-Bonami weight. We give a complete characterization of the positive measures μ such that | M ω f ( z ) | q d μ ( z ) C ( | f ( z ) | p ω ( z ) d V ( z ) ) q / p and μ ( z : M f ( z ) > λ ) C / ( λ q ) ( | f ( z ) | p ω ( z ) d V ( z ) ) q / p , where M ω is the weighted Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on the upper half-plane and 1 ≤ p,q <; ∞.

Maximal function in Beurling-Orlicz and central Morrey-Orlicz spaces

Lech Maligranda, Katsuo Matsuoka (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We define Beurling-Orlicz spaces, weak Beurling-Orlicz spaces, Herz-Orlicz spaces, weak Herz-Orlicz spaces, central Morrey-Orlicz spaces and weak central Morrey-Orlicz spaces. Moreover, the strong-type and weak-type estimates of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on these spaces are investigated.

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 693