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BMO harmonic approximation in the plane and spectral synthesis for Hardy-Sobolev spaces.

Joan Mateu, Joan Verdera Melenchón (1988)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The spectral synthesis theorem for Sobolev spaces of Hedberg and Wolff [7] has been applied in combination with duality, to problems of Lq approximation by analytic and harmonic functions. In fact, such applications were one of the main motivations to consider spectral synthesis problems in the Sobolev space setting. In this paper we go the opposite way in the context of the BMO-H1 duality: we prove a BMO approximation theorem by harmonic functions and then we apply the ideas in its proof to produce...

Boundedness from H 1 to L 1 of Riesz transforms on a Lie group of exponential growth

Peter Sjögren, Maria Vallarino (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let G be the Lie group 2 + endowed with the Riemannian symmetric space structure. Let X 0 , X 1 , X 2 be a distinguished basis of left-invariant vector fields of the Lie algebra of G and define the Laplacian Δ = - ( X 0 2 + X 1 2 + X 2 2 ) . In this paper we consider the first order Riesz transforms R i = X i Δ - 1 / 2 and S i = Δ - 1 / 2 X i , for i = 0 , 1 , 2 . We prove that the operators R i , but not the S i , are bounded from the Hardy space H 1 to L 1 . We also show that the second-order Riesz transforms T i j = X i Δ - 1 X j are bounded from H 1 to L 1 , while the transforms S i j = Δ - 1 X i X j and R i j = X i X j Δ - 1 , for i , j = 0 , 1 , 2 , are not.

Boundedness of commutators of strongly singular convolution operators on Herz-type spaces

Zongguang Liu (2003)

Studia Mathematica

The author investigates the boundedness of the higher order commutator of strongly singular convolution operator, T b m , on Herz spaces K ̇ q α , p ( ) and K q α , p ( ) , and on a new class of Herz-type Hardy spaces H K ̇ q , b , m α , p , 0 ( ) and H K q , b , m α , p , 0 ( ) , where 0 < p ≤ 1 < q < ∞, α = n(1-1/q) and b ∈ BMO(ℝⁿ).

Boundedness of para-product operators on spaces of homogeneous type

Yayuan Xiao (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We obtain the boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund singular integral operators T of non-convolution type on Hardy spaces H p ( 𝒳 ) for 1 / ( 1 + ϵ ) < p 1 , where 𝒳 is a space of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman and Weiss (1971), and ϵ is the regularity exponent of the kernel of the singular integral operator T . Our approach relies on the discrete Littlewood-Paley-Stein theory and discrete Calderón’s identity. The crucial feature of our proof is to avoid atomic decomposition and molecular theory in contrast to what was...

Boundedness of singular integral operators with holomorphic kernels on star-shaped closed Lipschitz curves

Garth Gaudry, Tao Qian, Silei Wang (1996)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to study singular integrals T generated by holomorphic kernels defined on a natural neighbourhood of the set z ζ - 1 : z , ζ , z ζ , where is a star-shaped Lipschitz curve, = e x p ( i z ) : z = x + i A ( x ) , A ' L [ - π , π ] , A ( - π ) = A ( π ) . Under suitable conditions on F and z, the operators are given by (1) T F ( z ) = p . v . ( z η - 1 ) F ( η ) ( d η / η ) . We identify a class of kernels of the stated type that give rise to bounded operators on L 2 ( , | d | ) . We establish also transference results relating the boundedness of kernels on closed Lipschitz curves to corresponding results on periodic, unbounded curves.

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