Displaying 181 – 200 of 313

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Almost periodic and strongly stable semigroups of operators

Vũ Phóng (1997)

Banach Center Publications

This paper is chiefly a survey of results obtained in recent years on the asymptotic behaviour of semigroups of bounded linear operators on a Banach space. From our general point of view, discrete families of operators T n : n = 0 , 1 , . . . on a Banach space X (discrete one-parameter semigroups), one-parameter C 0 -semigroups T ( t ) : t 0 on X (strongly continuous one-parameter semigroups), are particular cases of representations of topological abelian semigroups. Namely, given a topological abelian semigroup S, a family of bounded...

Almost periodic compactifications of group extensions

H. D. Junghenn, Paul Milnes (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let N and K be groups and let G be an extension of N by K . Given a property 𝒫 of group compactifications, one can ask whether there exist compactifications N ' and K ' of N and K such that the universal 𝒫 -compactification of G is canonically isomorphic to an extension of N ' by K ' . We prove a theorem which gives necessary and sufficient conditions for this to occur for general properties 𝒫 and then apply this result to the almost periodic and weakly almost periodic compactifications of G .

Almost periodic sequences and functions with given values

Michal Veselý (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

We present a method for constructing almost periodic sequences and functions with values in a metric space. Applying this method, we find almost periodic sequences and functions with prescribed values. Especially, for any totally bounded countable set  X in a metric space, it is proved the existence of an almost periodic sequence { ψ k } k such that { ψ k ; k } = X and ψ k = ψ k + l q ( k ) , l for all  k and some q ( k ) which depends on  k .

Almost periodic solutions with a prescribed spectrum of systems of linear and quasilinear differential equations with almost periodic coefficients and constant time lag (Cauchy integral)

Alexandr Fischer (1999)

Mathematica Bohemica

This paper generalizes earlier author's results where the linear and quasilinear equations with constant coefficients were treated. Here the method of limit passages and a fixed-point theorem is used for the linear and quasilinear equations with almost periodic coefficients.

Amenability and Ramsey theory

Justin Tatch Moore (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The purpose of this article is to connect the notion of the amenability of a discrete group with a new form of structural Ramsey theory. The Ramsey-theoretic reformulation of amenability constitutes a considerable weakening of the Følner criterion. As a by-product, it will be shown that in any non-amenable group G, there is a subset E of G such that no finitely additive probability measure on G measures all translates of E equally. The analysis of discrete groups will be generalized to the setting...

Amenability and the second dual of a Banach algebra

Frédéric Gourdeau (1997)

Studia Mathematica

Amenability and the Arens product are studied. Using the Arens product, derivations from A are extended to derivations from A**. This is used to show directly that A** amenable implies A amenable.

Amenability and unique ergodicity of automorphism groups of Fraïssé structures

Andy Zucker (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In this paper we consider those Fraïssé classes which admit companion classes in the sense of [KPT]. We find a necessary and sufficient condition for the automorphism group of the Fraïssé limit to be amenable and apply it to prove the non-amenability of the automorphism groups of the directed graph S(3) and the boron tree structure T. Also, we provide a negative answer to the Unique Ergodicity-Generic Point problem of Angel-Kechris-Lyons [AKL]. By considering G L ( V ) , where V is the countably infinite-dimensional...

Amenability and weak amenability of l¹-algebras of polynomial hypergroups

Rupert Lasser (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate amenability and weak amenability of the l¹-algebra of polynomial hypergroups. We derive conditions for (weak) amenability adapted to polynomial hypergroups and show that these conditions are often not satisfied. However, we prove amenability for the hypergroup induced by the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.

Amenability, extreme amenability, model-theoretic stability, and dependence property in integral logic

Karim Khanaki (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This paper has three parts. First, we study and characterize amenable and extremely amenable topological semigroups in terms of invariant measures using integral logic. We prove definability of some properties of a topological semigroup such as amenability and the fixed point on compacta property. Second, we define types and develop local stability in the framework of integral logic. For a stable formula ϕ, we prove definability of all complete ϕ-types over models and deduce from this the fundamental...

Amenability for dual Banach algebras

V. Runde (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We define a Banach algebra 𝔄 to be dual if 𝔄 = (𝔄⁎)* for a closed submodule 𝔄⁎ of 𝔄*. The class of dual Banach algebras includes all W*-algebras, but also all algebras M(G) for locally compact groups G, all algebras ℒ(E) for reflexive Banach spaces E, as well as all biduals of Arens regular Banach algebras. The general impression is that amenable, dual Banach algebras are rather the exception than the rule. We confirm this impression. We first show that under certain conditions an amenable...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 313