Displaying 281 – 300 of 1580

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A generalized dual maximizer for the Monge–Kantorovich transport problem

Mathias Beiglböck, Christian Léonard, Walter Schachermayer (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The dual attainment of the Monge–Kantorovich transport problem is analyzed in a general setting. The spaces X,Y are assumed to be polish and equipped with Borel probability measures μ and ν. The transport cost function c : X × Y →  [0,∞]  is assumed to be Borel measurable. We show that a dual optimizer always exists, provided we interpret it as a projective limit of certain finitely additive measures. Our methods are functional analytic and rely on Fenchel’s perturbation technique.

A generalized dual maximizer for the Monge–Kantorovich transport problem∗

Mathias Beiglböck, Christian Léonard, Walter Schachermayer (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The dual attainment of the Monge–Kantorovich transport problem is analyzed in a general setting. The spaces X,Y are assumed to be polish and equipped with Borel probability measures μ and ν. The transport cost function c : X × Y →  [0,∞]  is assumed to be Borel measurable. We show that a dual optimizer always exists, provided we interpret it as a projective limit of certain finitely additive measures. Our methods are functional analytic...

A generalized Kahane-Khinchin inequality

S. Favorov (1998)

Studia Mathematica

The inequality ʃ l o g | a n e 2 π i φ n | d φ 1 d φ n C l o g ( | a n | 2 ) 1 / 2 with an absolute constant C, and similar ones, are extended to the case of a n belonging to an arbitrary normed space X and an arbitrary compact group of unitary operators on X instead of the operators of multiplication by e 2 π i φ .

A generalized notion of n -weak amenability

Abasalt Bodaghi, Behrouz Shojaee (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

In the current work, a new notion of n -weak amenability of Banach algebras using homomorphisms, namely ( ϕ , ψ ) - n -weak amenability is introduced. Among many other things, some relations between ( ϕ , ψ ) - n -weak amenability of a Banach algebra 𝒜 and M m ( 𝒜 ) , the Banach algebra of m × m matrices with entries from 𝒜 , are studied. Also, the relation of this new concept of amenability of a Banach algebra and its unitization is investigated. As an example, it is shown that the group algebra L 1 ( G ) is ( ϕ , ψ )- n -weakly amenable for any...

A generalized Pettis measurability criterion and integration of vector functions

I. Dobrakov, T. V. Panchapagesan (2004)

Studia Mathematica

For Banach-space-valued functions, the concepts of 𝒫-measurability, λ-measurability and m-measurability are defined, where 𝒫 is a δ-ring of subsets of a nonvoid set T, λ is a σ-subadditive submeasure on σ(𝒫) and m is an operator-valued measure on 𝒫. Various characterizations are given for 𝒫-measurable (resp. λ-measurable, m-measurable) vector functions on T. Using them and other auxiliary results proved here, the basic theorems of [6] are rigorously established.

A generalized projection decomposition in Orlicz-Bochner spaces

Henryk Hudzik, Ryszard Płuciennik, Yuwen Wang (2005)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper, a precise projection decomposition in reflexive, smooth and strictly convex Orlicz-Bochner spaces is given by the representation of the duality mapping. As an application, a representation of the metric projection operator on a closed hyperplane is presented.

A geometric approach to full Colombeau algebras

R. Steinbauer (2010)

Banach Center Publications

We present a geometric approach to diffeomorphism invariant full Colombeau algebras which allows a particularly clear view of the construction of the intrinsically defined algebra ^ ( M ) on the manifold M given in [gksv].

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 1580