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Ideáux fermés d'une algèbre de Beurling régulière.

Eric Decreux (1998)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The structure of closed ideals of a regular algebra containing the classical A∞ is considered. Several division and approximation results are proved and a characterization of those ideals whose intersection with A∞ is not {0} is obtained. A complete description of the ideals with countable hull is given, with applications to synthesis of hyperfunctions.

Idempotent States and the Inner Linearity Property

Teodor Banica, Uwe Franz, Adam Skalski (2012)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We find an analytic formulation of the notion of Hopf image, in terms of the associated idempotent state. More precisely, if π:A → Mₙ(ℂ) is a finite-dimensional representation of a Hopf C*-algebra, we prove that the idempotent state associated to its Hopf image A' must be the convolution Cesàro limit of the linear functional φ = tr ∘ π. We then discuss some consequences of this result, notably to inner linearity questions.

Idempotents dans les algèbres de Banach

M. Berkani (1996)

Studia Mathematica

Using the holomorphic functional calculus we give a characterization of idempotent elements commuting with a given element in a Banach algebra.

Idempotents in quotients and restrictions of Banach algebras of functions

Thomas Vils Pedersen (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let 𝒜 β be the Beurling algebra with weight ( 1 + | n | ) β on the unit circle 𝕋 and, for a closed set E 𝕋 , let J 𝒜 β ( E ) = { f 𝒜 β : f = 0 on a neighbourhood of E } . We prove that, for β > 1 2 , there exists a closed set E 𝕋 of measure zero such that the quotient algebra 𝒜 β / J 𝒜 β ( E ) is not generated by its idempotents, thus contrasting a result of Zouakia. Furthermore, for the Lipschitz algebras λ γ and the algebra 𝒜 𝒞 of absolutely continuous functions on 𝕋 , we characterize the closed sets E 𝕋 for which the restriction algebras λ γ ( E ) and 𝒜 𝒞 ( E ) are generated by their idempotents.

Images of some functions and functional spaces under the Dunkl-Hermite semigroup

Néjib Ben Salem, Walid Nefzi (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We propose the study of some questions related to the Dunkl-Hermite semigroup. Essentially, we characterize the images of the Dunkl-Hermite-Sobolev space, 𝒮 ( ) and L α p ( ) , 1 < p < , under the Dunkl-Hermite semigroup. Also, we consider the image of the space of tempered distributions and we give Paley-Wiener type theorems for the transforms given by the Dunkl-Hermite semigroup.

Imbedding theorems of Sobolev spaces into Lorentz spaces

Luc Tartar (1998)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In questo articolo vengono date alcune varianti del teorema di immersione di Sobolev in spazi di Lorentz. In particolare si dimostra un teorema di immersione per spazi di Sobolev anisotropi supponendo che le derivate parziali appartengono a spazi di Lorentz diversi, anche nel caso limite, corrispondente all’estensione di Brezis-Wainger del teorema di Trudinger per W 1 , N ( N ) .

Impact of the variations of the mixing length in a first order turbulent closure system

Françoise Brossier, Roger Lewandowski (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

This paper is devoted to the study of a turbulent circulation model. Equations are derived from the “Navier-Stokes turbulent kinetic energy” system. Some simplifications are performed but attention is focused on non linearities linked to turbulent eddy viscosity ν t . The mixing length acts as a parameter which controls the turbulent part in ν t . The main theoretical results that we have obtained concern the uniqueness of the solution for bounded eddy viscosities and small values of and its asymptotic...

Impact of the variations of the mixing length in a first order turbulent closure system

Françoise Brossier, Roger Lewandowski (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper is devoted to the study of a turbulent circulation model. Equations are derived from the “Navier-Stokes turbulent kinetic energy” system. Some simplifications are performed but attention is focused on non linearities linked to turbulent eddy viscosity  ν t . The mixing length acts as a parameter which controls the turbulent part in ν t . The main theoretical results that we have obtained concern the uniqueness of the solution for bounded eddy viscosities and small values of and its asymptotic...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 438