Factorization of compact operators and finite representability of Banach spaces with applications to Schwartz spaces
Consider the following conditions. (a) Every regular LB-space is complete; (b) if an operator T between complete LB-spaces maps bounded sets into relatively compact sets, then T factorizes through a Montel LB-space; (c) for every complete LB-space E the space C (βℕ, E) is bornological. We show that (a) ⇒ (b) ⇒ (c). Moreover, we show that if E is Montel, then (c) holds. An example of an LB-space E with a strictly increasing transfinite sequence of its Mackey derivatives is given.
Fréchet spaces of strongly, weakly and weak*-continuous Fréchet space valued functions are considered. Complete solutions are given to the problems of their injectivity or embeddability as complemented subspaces in dual Fréchet spaces.