Displaying 81 – 100 of 114

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Some Ramsey type theorems for normed and quasinormed spaces

C. Henson, Nigel Kalton, N. Peck, Ignác Tereščák, Pavol Zlatoš (1997)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that every bounded, uniformly separated sequence in a normed space contains a “uniformly independent” subsequence (see definition); the constants involved do not depend on the sequence or the space. The finite version of this result is true for all quasinormed spaces. We give a counterexample to the infinite version in L p [ 0 , 1 ] for each 0 < p < 1. Some consequences for nonstandard topological vector spaces are derived.

Stability of the Cauchy functional equation in quasi-Banach spaces

Jacek Tabor (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let X be a quasi-Banach space. We prove that there exists K > 0 such that for every function w:ℝ → X satisfying ||w(s+t)-w(s)-w(t)|| ≤ ε(|s|+|t|) for s,t ∈ ℝ, there exists a unique additive function a:ℝ → X such that a(1)=0 and ||w(s)-a(s)-sθ(log₂|s|)|| ≤ Kε|s| for s ∈ ℝ, where θ: ℝ → X is defined by θ ( k ) : = w ( 2 k ) / 2 k for k ∈ ℤ and extended in a piecewise linear way over the rest of ℝ.

Strong reflexivity of Abelian groups

Montserrat Bruguera, María Jesús Chasco (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A reflexive topological group G is called strongly reflexive if each closed subgroup and each Hausdorff quotient of the group G and of its dual group is reflexive. In this paper we establish an adequate concept of strong reflexivity for convergence groups. We prove that complete metrizable nuclear groups and products of countably many locally compact topological groups are BB-strongly reflexive.

The algebraic dimension of linear metric spaces and Baire properties of their hyperspaces.

Taras Banakh, Anatolij Plichko (2006)


Answering a question of Halbeisen we prove (by two different methods) that the algebraic dimension of each infinite-dimensional complete linear metric space X equals the size of X. A topological method gives a bit more: the algebraic dimension of a linear metric space X equals |X| provided the hyperspace K(X) of compact subsets of X is a Baire space. Studying the interplay between Baire properties of a linear metric space X and its hyperspace, we construct a hereditarily Baire linear metric space...

The Hypercyclicity Criterion for sequences of operators

L. Bernal-González, K.-G. Grosse-Erdmann (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We show that under no hypotheses on the density of the ranges of the mappings involved, an almost-commuting sequence (Tₙ) of operators on an F-space X satisfies the Hypercyclicity Criterion if and only if it has a hereditarily hypercyclic subsequence ( T n k ) , and if and only if the sequence (Tₙ ⊕ Tₙ) is hypercyclic on X × X. This strengthens and extends a recent result due to Bès and Peris. We also find a new characterization of the Hypercyclicity Criterion in terms of a condition introduced by Godefroy...

The Mackey-Arens theorem for non-locally convex spaces.

Jerzy Kakol (1990)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let R be a subcategory of the category of all topological vector spaces. Let E be an element of R. The problem of the existence of the finest R-topology on E with the same continuous linear functionals as the original one is discussed. Remarks concerning the Hahn-Banach Extension Property are included.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 114